Class Review EW2-082 , 14011209 , Park Jun young
What's opinion? ◆ opinion = What you think, believe, or feel about an issue ex) Grandmother's doenjangjjigae is delicious. → NOT proper The Chinese bought the lands of Jeju-island. → Proper
pre-writing 1. identify the issue 2. understand the issue → summarize the main points ex) p37. Filght Attendants main points : friendly, self-confident, strong
pre-writing 3. state your opinion 4. give reasons/examples to back/support your opinion ex) Using adjective clauses Gary is my EW2 teacher. Gary has been to over 30 countries. → Gary, who is my EW2 teacher, has been to over 30 countries.
Opinion Writing Format OState your opinion RGive a reason EGive examples ORe-state your opinion