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best pain care hospital in gachibowli

Omega Hospital is the foremost choice for top-quality pain care in Gachibowli. Omega Hospital is the trusted destination for individuals seeking exceptional pain management services in the Gachibowli area.

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best pain care hospital in gachibowli

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  1. Emergency:9848011421 Contact: 98490 22121 HomeAboutOncologyServices Specialties OurBranchesDoctorsNews&Media BookanAppointment BookAnAppointment Your name Contact Number Email ID BookNow OurVision Over3DecadesofExperience Avisiontocreateaworld-classintegratedhealthcaredeliverysystem inIndia,entailingthefinestmedicalskillscombinedwith compassionatecaregavebirthtoOmegaHospitalsinJuly2010. When a few well-known, dedicated Oncologists with a zeal to provide exceptionalpatientcarecametogether,theyrealizedthelackof comprehensivecareforcancerpatientsinIndia.Aftermany brainstormingsessionswithoneaimtostartaleadingcancer treatmentcenterandcareproviderintheworld,Dr.Ch.Mohana Vamsy,ChiefSurgicalOncologist,andhiscolleagueswantedto ensurethatIndiagetsitsownaffordablecancercareforallsectionsof itssociety 36219+ Surgeries 29068+ HappyPatients 8+ Branches Dr. Ch. MohanaVamsy WhyChooseOmegaHospitals?

  2. OurCenters BanjaraHills Gachibowli Guntur Kurnool Karimnagar Vizag Warangal Bhimavaram Dehradun OurBranches

  3. BanjaraHills Gachibowli Guntur OmegaHospitals L/276A,LaneNo.12,MLAColony,BanjaraHills,Hyderabad, Telangana 500034 Phone: 040 23551034 Hours:Open24hours mail:info@omegahospitals.com Directions Kurnool Karimnagar Vizag Warangal Bhimavaram Dehradun Testimonials Locations BanjaraHills PlotNo:8-2-293/82/L/276A,MLAColony, RoadNo-12,BanjaraHills,Hyderabad, Telangana,500034 QuickLinks Virtual Tour GetInTouch +919848011421 Accrediations info@omegahospitals.com FollowUs Technology Facilities FAQs Gachibowli CHRLane,RdNumber1,SevenHillsColony, Gachibowli,Hyderabad,Telangana500032 Blogs Cafeteria ©Copyright2023-OmegaHospitals.AllRightsReserved.

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