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Corallium rubrum. J.S. Boy Age 2 years November 3, 2007 Case Conference. In adults and children older than 3, RSV usually causes mild cold-like signs and symptoms. These include: Congested or runny nose Dry cough Low-grade fever Sore throat Mild headache
Corallium rubrum J.S. Boy Age 2 years November 3, 2007 Case Conference
In adults and children older than 3, RSV usually causes mild cold-like signs and symptoms. These include: Congested or runny nose Dry cough Low-grade fever Sore throat Mild headache A general feeling of unease and discomfort (malaise) In children younger than 3 years of age, respiratory syncytial virus can lead to a lower respiratory tract illness such as pneumonia or bronchiolitis — an inflammation of the small air passages entering the lungs. Signs and symptoms may include: High fever Severe cough Wheezing — a high-pitched noise that's usually heard on breathing out (exhaling) Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, which may make the child prefer to sit up rather than lie down Bluish color of the skin due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis) RSV
Infants are most severely affected by RSV. They may markedly draw in their chest muscles and the skin between their ribs, indicating that they are having trouble breathing, and their breathing may be short, shallow and rapid. They may cough. Or they may not show any signs of a respiratory tract infection, but will eat poorly and be unusually lethargic and irritable. • Most children and adults recover from the illness in eight to 15 days. But in young babies, infants born prematurely, or infants or adults who have chronic heart or lung problems, the virus may cause a more severe — occasionally life-threatening — infection that requires hospitalization.
Kingdom Information: 5a • What is the effect of the chief complaint? If he can not breathe, he will die. High intensity case: cough is so violent and repeats every two minutes, lungs shut down, he turns blue, goes limp, barely moving. Emergency room situation. Life and death struggle: Animal Kingdom
Subkingdom Information: 5b • Water birth for all four kids. • Loves his family. Asks about the family members if they are not around. All 4 children in same bedroom. All four of them herd around each other. • Likes to be rocked. Prefers mom when sick. • Fear: Afraid to go in water. Mom went in with him. Once he loved it, within half an hour from fear to fine.
Personality and clues from observation • Real shy in the beginning and then warms up • No fussing allowed or gets spanked. • Follow the rules. Rule #1, #2… • Likes routine, 8 am breakfast, 12 pm lunch • He got upset when toy would not open. • Red haired • He hits when someone takes a toy. His reaction is to take care of himself. • Not to obey. He may not come when time to eat.
Sea Animal • Chores: washing dishes • Anger issues: hitting, kicking, bad words • Mom: task master, disciplinarian • Dad: not a dictator. He is okay to put kids out there, test the water… • Loves sprinklers, tractors, trains…
Sensations and Energy of the case: 5c • Trapped, wheeze, suffocate, constricted, tight, not moving, retracted, restricted. • Limp, blue, not moving, shut down (Cough not productive, not moving and he goes limp, barely moving: local and general meeting point) • Relaxed, release, open up, bigger, move.
Corals • The coral is a colony of thousands of individual corals. These are called polyps. • Polyps are covered by calcium carbonate. • They have beautiful colors, from algae that grows in them.
Corals are carnivores – they actively prey on microorganisms. • Corals just filter water. • Polyps have tentacles with stinging cells, stinging or entangling prey. • Jelly-like coral polyps spend daylight hours withdrawn into limestone structure.
I ordinarily use the name "coral" to designate a colony of individual coral animals, each of which is known as a polyp. • Each polyp consists of a jelly-like body enclosed in a skeleton (a theca) of calcium carbonate. • Red coral has a radial symmetry of eight : octocoralliform.
Coral is essentially calcium carbonate (calcite) secreted from seawater by tiny marine animals, polyps, to form their skeletons. The coral polyps live in clear warm water, not as isolated individuals, but in colonies composed of myriad individuals with skeletons attached to one another. Corals made their appearance on earth about 500 million years ago, and since then many different forms have developed and flourished.
Coral is the principal constituent of coral reefs. The reefs, in fact, are a composite of many life forms existing together in various relationships- in commensalism (relationship between two living organisms where one benefits and the other is not significantly harmed or helped.), in symbiosis, or simply in promiscuity. • CORAL Formula: CaCO3 (Composed primarily of the mineral calcite.)
Coral is the axial skeleton of an animal called the coral polyp , a tiny (1 mm), almost plantlike animal that lives in warm oceans (13-16¡C). The solid material we know as coral is the colony in which these tiny animals live. Coral is often branched and treelike.
Precious coral is not found on coral reefs, but on rocky bottoms mainly in the Mediterranean and off Japan. The world of coral is an extraordinary one, even by marine standards. It is a world that is at once very complex, very well defined-and very little understood.If the tiny animals we call "coral" are to develop and subsist, several environmental conditions must exist simultaneously like warm water, clear, and free of sediment, sand, slime, and mud.
Jelly-like, soft Need for hard protection Goes in and comes out Poison Stinging Revenge More definite characteristic of animals Entangle & suffocate Beauty & brightness Interdependency Hardness & tough (from iron?) vs. soft insecure feeling of the Spongia. Gesture of coming in & going out. Flow & current is an important aspect of the sponge –will see it in the gestures. It is more active in the corals which procure their own food. Coral Themes
Cough of Corallium rubrum • violent spasmodic cough • "minute-gun" cough: like the booms of the maxim gun following so closely each on the heel of the other as to make it almost a continuous affair. • The cough is so violent that children lose their breath, and become purple and black in their face.
It commences with gasping for breath and continues with repeated crowing inspiration until the patient, purple and black in the face, is quite exhausted. • Sometimes it is followed by vomiting of quantities of tough, ropy strings of mucus. • A peculiar sensation is that of icy coldness of the air passing through the larynx.
The mucus is generally fluent and odorless, looking like melted tallow. • It is also quite a first rate remedy in post-nasal dropping, obliging the patient to hawk frequently and clear the throat. • MODALITIES: Worse: AIR [change of; inhaling]. Eating. Night; toward morning. Stooping. Dinner. Touch. Uncovering. Open air. Better: Covering.
Resemblance to Hepar [desires sour, cough, worse cold, abusive]. • INSPIRED AIR FEELS COLD. • DRY coryza; nose feels stopped up. • Epistaxis, especially at night. • Massimo has used this remedy much more in children and adolescents than in adults. Most of them looked like Natrum muriaticum.
FOOD and drinks: lemons: desires • FOOD and drinks: milk: agg. • MIND: ABUSIVE, insulting • ANGER, irascibility: tendency: cough: whooping cough, in • CHILDISH behavior