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The city may have no budget for the investment (even if it is profitable) ... Investment within the Eco-Watt Project: Total investment: 270.000 Euro. Efficient lighting ...
Slide 1:
Dipl.-Ing., Dipl. Volksw. Dieter Seifried Büro Ö-quadrat, Geschäftsführer der Eco-Watt GmbH Freiburg, 15.6.2007
Folie 2Slide 2:Overview
What is performance contracting and how does it works? Saving potentials in schools and reasons, why this potential is not used The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School The solar&save projects Experiences and results
Folie 3 What is performance contracting and how does it works? Folie 4 What is performance contracting and how does it works? Folie 5 No risk of rising investment costs for the building owner No risk concerning the energy savings No risk of unprofitable investment Lower interest for the capital investment, compared to a conventional contracting-project Higher envolvement of teachers and pupils Higher public interest Reduced energy-consumption in future and therefore reduced risk of rising energy-prices in future Orders and work for regional companies Higher tax-income on local level from companies Less environmental damages Advantage of performance-contracting in schools with participation of silent shareholders Folie 6 Saving potentials and reasons, why these potentials are not used Folie 7 Why saving-potentials in schools in many cities are not used? There is no financial incentive for the permanent employees of the city municipality There is no incentive for the schools and the caretaker to change behaviour In many cases, the employees don´t have the knowledge for a successful energy efficient building renovation The city may have no budget for the investment (even if it is profitable) It makes less work and there is no risk if nothing in the building is changed The citizen don´t care enough about energy consumption and are not able to control the city-administration. Saving potentials and reasons, why these potentials are not used Folie 8 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School City: Freiburg/D Built between 1973 and 1978 1.200 pupils Library, youth-center, cafeteria, 2 gymnastic halls, surface area 23.000m2 Energy and water cost before start of the project: 250.000 Euro/a Start of the project in 1998 End: 9/2007 Folie 9 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Investment within the Eco-Watt Project: Total investment: 270.000 Euro Efficient lighting in classrooms, floors, gymnastic hall, toiletts Better control of the heating system and the ventilation system Solar thermal system to produce hot water for the gymnastic hall (40m2) Photovoltaik system to produce electricity from sun light (2 kW) Measures to save water: water saving shower head, flushing of toiletts Money comes from 90 people: teachers, parents of students, private persons (the limited partners , Kommanditisten) Folie 10 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Folie 11 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Folie 12 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Folie 13 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Folie 14 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Folie 15 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger School Folie 16 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger SchoolSlide 16:Results part one Energy and cost reduction for energy- and water-supply of about 30% High profitability of the efficiency measures Lifetime of the investment about 20 years Duration of the contract: 8 years Short payback period in total (about 4 years) There is an additional potential for energy savings at the shools After the good experience with performance contracting, the municipality of Freiburg startet two other, bigger contracting projects with more than 10 schools.
Folie 17 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger SchoolSlide 17:Results part two: Many activities of students and teachers Students competitions for correct behavior with energy, Training of „energy foxes“: Pupils learn to analyse and evaluate their energy-consumption at home Energy monitor at the assembly hall of the school The care-keepers of the school are integrated
Folie 18 The first performance contracting project with citizen participation: Eco-Watt Project at Staudinger SchoolSlide 18:Results part two: Energy monitor at the assembly hall of the school: make efficiency visible!
Folie 19Slide 19:Further project development: solar&save project in cooperation with Wuppertal Institut
New framework conditions Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG, in the year 2000) Higher prices for electricity Tax-reduction for oil and gas, which is used in combined heat and power plants (0,55 Cent/kWh) New Project named „100.000 Watt-Solar-Initiative“ 50 Watt of electricity production per pupil + 50 Watt of electricity savings per pupil = 100 Watt of production or savings per student Big schools with 1.000 pupils ? 100.000 Watt-Solar-Initiative or solar&save-projects CEO of the solar&save contract Ltd is Dr. Kurt Berlo, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH
Folie 20Slide 20:The solar&save projects
Aims of the project: Making efficiency more attractive in combination with PV To show, that energy-efficiency and PV are profitable investments
Folie 21Slide 21:The solar&save projects
Aggertal-Gymnasium in Engelskirchen Willibrord-Gymnasium in Emmerich am Rhein Gesamtschule Berger Feld in Gelsenkirchen Europaschule in Köln
Folie 22Slide 22:The solar&save projects: Aggertal-Gymnasium Engelskirchen
Aggertal-Gymnasium before renovation
Folie 23Slide 23:Measures at Aggertal-Gymnasium Engelskirchen
Combined heat and power(50 kW) PV-power plant (43 kW) Replacement of luminaires in all rooms Hydraulic redevelopment, high efficient pumps Control-system for heating, water-savings
Folie 24Slide 24:Measures at Aggertal-Gymnasium Engelskirchen
Before hydraulic balance: About 15 pumps with more than 6 kW have been installed Now: 2 high efficient pumps with 2*0,55 kW are installed electricity-savings of about 90% of the former electricity consumption for pumps.
Folie 25Slide 25:The solar&save projects: investment into climate protection
Example Aggertal-Gymnasium Minimal Share 500 Eurofor parents, pupils and teachers of the school Other still shareholder up from 2.500 Euro Duration of investment: 20 years Losses in the first years, profit distribution from the 4th year on Calculated Profit-rate 5% to 6%
Folie 26Slide 26:The solar&save projects: Willibrord-Gymansium in Emmerich
Folie 27Slide 27:The solar&save projects: Willibrord-Gymansium in Emmerich
Basic financial data for Willibrord-Gymnasium: Investment: 664.000 Euro Energy-cost-reduction in 2006: 98.000 Euro Share of school and city: 14.000 Euro Duration of contract: 20 years Profit for silent shareholder: 6-10%
Folie 28Slide 28:The solar&save projects: Willibrord-Gymansium in Emmerich
Folie 29Slide 29:The solar&save projects
Folie 30 Articles in newspapers and journals: 3 examples SOLARboulevard Frankfurter Rundschau taz, Berlin Folie 31Slide 31:Experiences and results I
There is a profitable energy-saving potential at every school A reduction of CO2-emissions of 50% and more is feasible at many schools Contracting and financing by silent private share-holders is not the solution for all schools. Investment through the owner usual is the more simple way Private persons in Germany are interested to invest in such projects We needed about half a year per school to collect the money (with low-cost advertising) There is interest from the side of teachers and the management of the schools, but usually the engagement for such projects has to come from outside of the schools Very positive reaction from media and press The projects find imitators in the public and private sector
Folie 32Slide 32:Experiences and results II
The administration of the municipalities don´t like this kind of project so much: They feel, that the actors interfere into the domain of the administration. The contractor gets an insight-view of the management of the building. If the project works good, there will be questions to the administration: why don´t you do it in the same way? If it works bad: The administration has accepted the project, so it will have to bear part of the responsibility. The concept is quite new and not well known and usually the administration doesn´t like any kind of risks. If the city owns an energy utility, the utility might intervene because it will lose money. In spite of everything: It´s not easy – but it works!
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