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Ethiopia Kenya Interconnection Euro 1.65 million for feasibility study,Euro 797 million for investment. Ethiopia-Sudan-Egypt Interconnection Euro 1,231 million ...
Slide 2:The History
2006: EC adopted an integrated regional response strategy for ‘EU political partnership for peace, security and development in the Horn of Africa’ The aim: To have a coherent and overall EU approach to the Horn of Africa and engage the Horn countries in cooperation that facilitates peace and security Negotiated by EC Ambassadors from the Horn of Africa countries Political will and ownership of the IGAD countries and the EU member states was essential
But when it was reviewed by IGAD we appreciated its focus on to finding a lasting solution to: drug trafficking, illegal immigrants, Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism and governance issues. But The Horn of Africa Initiative would also focus on the underlying causes such as abject poverty, poor physical infrastructure communications institutionalized dependency on food aid.Slide 4:Implementation of Regional Political Partnership
April 2007; Implementation of the strategy launched jointly by the seven governments in IGAD region and EC Commissioner Louis Michel Agreed activities: Interconnectivity in transport; Focus on transport and trade facilitation Interconnectivity in energy; East Africa Power Pool, market study to prepare regional power sharing, renewable energy sources Water resources for food security; Regional water dialogue forum
Slide 5:Subsequent Progress
Oct./Nov.2007: MS/EC joint Assessment missions and a workshop identified the programme areas of cooperation in the Horn of Africa countries June 2008: IGAD Heads of State endorsed the recommendations of Joint Assessment Mission 31 March 2009: EU-IGAD Ministerial Troika Meeting agreed to speed up implementation of the Initiative 7-8 December 2009 – IGAD Council endorsed all HOAI jointly agreed projects
Slide 6:Agreed Portfolio of Priority Projects from JAM2 ,
4 roads (red) + 4 energy links + 4 renewable energy projects + 6 water / food security projects = approximately 3.9 billion euros
JAM2 Mombasa Identified programmes in three areas: water, energy & infrastructure Water: Six projects amounting to 100.5 million Euros identified includes; Water harvesting (17 MEURO), Groundwater assessment (8 MEURO), Rural water supply in Karamoja pastoral areas (5 MEURO). Regional dialogue forum (5 MEURO), capacity building for water planning institutions (5.5 MEURO), regional water trust fund (60 MEURO) and IGAD Inland water(Euro 14.7 m) programme has identified four result areas and corresponding activities for implementation: Regional cooperation in sustainable water resources management established and institutionalised; Policy and legal frameworks in water resources programme improved; Regional and national institutions for water resources management in the region strengthened; Regional water resources management information systems and observation networks strengthened/developed; The Regional Water Platform (dialogue forum) capacity building for water planning institutions and regional water trust fund are included in the IGAD regional water Progamme Energy areas ( interconnectivity): Sudan (Juba) – Uganda (Karuma) interconnection – 220 KV-450 km Euro 2.3 million for the feasibility study,Euro 205 million for the construction Eritrea –Sudan interconnection: Feasibility study – Euro 2.5 million,Indicative costs are Euro 67.3 million for a single circuit Kessela-Asmara line and Euro 154 million for a double circuit line Work for these two is in progress with the ADB funding. Ethiopia – Kenya Interconnection Euro 1.65 million for feasibility study,Euro 797 million for investment Ethiopia-Sudan-Egypt Interconnection Euro 1,231 million Renewable Energy Development: Geothermal developmentEuro 6 Million (leveraged investment finance estimated Euro 323 Million to Euro430 Million). Small Scale Wind & Solar PumpsEuro 5 million to be spent as follows: - Euro 3.5 million capital costs and Euro 1.5 million for training, policy support, other TA and administrative costs. Regional Grid connected wind Power for the Horn of Africa Euro 7.0 M Solar Photovoltaics (PVs) and Solar Water Heaters for Rural Institutions and Commercial Establishments (e.g. clinics, hospitals religious establishments, lodges and hotels) Euro 7 million capital cost + Euro 3 million for training, networking, policy support and other TA as well as administration total (Grand Total: Euro 10 million) IGAD Renewable energy PIF approved for the 2010 AAP of the 10th EDF Result 1: Appropriate policy, legal and institutional frameworks in renewable energy resources in the Horn of Africa established and strengthened Result 2: Capacity for use of regional geothermal resources in the region developed Result 3: Small-scale non-carbon renewable energy technologies (stand-alone power systems; solar, wind,) promoted and developed Result 4: Improved biomass stove markets in the region: Transport and Infrastructure Juba – Kapoeta – Lokochokio - Lodwar Corridor (Sudan-Kenya)360MEUR of which app. 10MEUR are of immediate priority for Feasibility and Design studies on the Sudan side (315km) and 161MEUR for works on the Kenyans side (268km). Berbera Corridor (Somalia-Ethiopia)150MEUR of which 5.8MEUR are of immediate priority for Feasibility and Design. Djibouti – Addis Ababa Railway link (Djibouti-Ethiopia) 106MEUR of which app. 1MEUR are of immediate priority for management/concession studies Isiolo - Moyale - Agremariam (Kenya-Ethiopia) 372MEUR for works. Juba – Kampala (Sudan-Uganda) 385MEUR of which app. 12MEUR are of immediate priority for Feasibility and Design studies. Transport Facilitation and Creation of an Enabling Environment for Trade and Transport 15-20 Million Euro (Studies, TA and Physical Infrastructure & Equipments) Committee for coordinating the implementation of infrastructure projects within the Horn of Africa, EURO 500,000 per year for running the coordination activities and holding the meeting of the experts Malaba - Gulu - Juba - Wau Railway link (Sudan-Uganda-Kenya) 822MEUR of which app. 8MEUR are of immediate priority for management/concession studies. Initiatives under way: Under RISP 2, Juba – Kapoeta – Lokochokio - Lodwar Corridor (Sudan-Kenya)360MEUR of which app. 10MEUR are of immediate priority for Feasibility and Design studies on the Sudan side (315km) and 161MEUR for works on the Kenyans side (268km). Berbera- Hargeisha- Addis corridor is in the AAP 2010 Djibouti- Addis corridor (10 km) PIF, AF ready for submission for AAP 2010. Other initiatives related to HoAI A. Dryland Forest & Biodiversity Programme: which responds to Arid and Semi Arid pastoral landsmanagement which make up 80% of the region and support pastoralists livelihoods identified as one component of the Horn of Africa Initiative. Result areas: Policy and institutional frameworks for sustainable DF& BM in the horn of Africa. Conservation of Drylands forests and biodiversity enhanced Information and wareness creation systems for decision makers and public on DFB and its importance increased Capacity of DF&BM at regional, national and community level is enhanced. B. Proposed pastoral and Livestock centre under the RISP II of the 10th EDF. .Promotion and development of ASALs Products supported under IGAD Joint financing Arrangement.Slide 14:REFORM Components: Food security networking for RIOs Social protection Disaster risk management Cross border trade (Comesa) Project ending on 30th March 2011 and important key issues at national and regional levels will not be completed The importance of an extension is crucial.
Slide 15:Financing the Horn of Africa Initiative
Horn of Africa Initiative does not entail new resources and this was made clear at the Addis Summit of 2008 and the following actions were envisaged: 10th EDF which only entails start-up activities/projects focussing on preparatory and feasibility studies, Mainstreaming HoAI activities with other IGAD programmes for example in Food security, pastoralism and peace and security programmes. A donors conference for the financing the programmes Support from national programmes
Slide 16: Thank you.