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Parijatak Ayurveda, the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Center, provides gynecology treatment to women, helping them to keep control of their reproductive system.
Parijatak Ayurveda Pvt Ltd. Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecology Dr. NiteshKhonde MD | BAMS
Why You Should Opt For Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecology Ayurveda is an ancient science that was documented 3000 years ago in India. Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine which is known to treat many so called incurable ailments like arthritis, asthma, and others. Unlike allopathic system of medicine, Ayurveda considers the body as a whole and not fragmented parts and organs. This is true of the best gynecology treatment that can be found in Ayurveda.
Gynecological Problems Women can face gynecological problems at any age starting from puberty to menopause and even beyond that. In fact for some women these two phases are the times when they face the maximum gynecological problems. These problems include painful or irregular periods, uterine cysts, ovarian cysts, infertility, frigidity and others. According to Ayurveda all these problems have their base in unhealthy diet and lifestyle that disturbs the balance of the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The symptoms of the ailment determine which of the three doshas has become aggravated and which is lowered.
DietforWomen Women need more energy than men, particularly during menstruation. Hence it is important for them to eat well balanced and healthy food. Ayurveda recommends avoiding teas, processed foods caffeinated drinks and advises to opt for whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. The fruits, vegetables and other food are also decided based on the dosha that needs attention. For instance if the kaphadosha is aggravated, you should opt for light food and eat vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, carrots and garlic more. It is also advised not to skip meals and eat full three meals a day.
Lifestyle Apart from eating the right food it is also necessary to eat at the right time of the day. You should also incorporate yoga or walking in your daily regimen, because exercise is necessary to stay fit. You should get enough sleep and avoid stress and in order to deal with the stress in life you should opt for meditation and yoga. You should also maintain a healthy weight and ayurvedic doctors will help you to lose or gain weight by prescribing the right diet and exercise and also the right herbal medicines. There are many herbal medicines which help you to lose or gain weight as required. You can get knowledge and treatment of such changes in your weight in ayurvedic treatment gynecology.
Herbalremedies If you consider herbal remedies, Ayurveda does not just treat the symptoms that are visible, but focuses on your physical and mental well being as a whole. The side effects of these remedies are either not there or are negligible compared to allopathic system of medicine. For instance, if you suffer from painful periods then ginger saffron and licorice root can be of great help. Ayurveda can also treat more serious problems like infertility in which usually remedies made from ashwagandha, shatavari, guduchi, triphala etc. are prescribed and administered. There are herbal remedies for problems like frigidity uterine fibroids and most other gynecological problems that women face. Even panchkarma is used to treat many of the gynecological problems.
Opt For Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecology If you want the best gynecology treatment then it is advised to look for an ayurvedic hospital. Ayurveda is recommended for all the women’s health problems that women face at any age. From painful and irregular periods to more serious problems like infertility or uterine fibroids can be treated with the help of Ayurveda. In Ayurveda the focus is the physical and mental health of the whole body rather than treating the body as a combination of isolated parts and organs. Ayurveda lays stress on balancing the three doshas – vata, pitta and kafa with the help of proper diet, lifestyle changes and herbal medicine.
For More Information www.parijatak.com +91 9209107777 info@parijatak.com 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
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