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Dayitwa NGO

Dayitwa NGO envisions growing as an idea across regions, economies, and countries using urban discard as a tool to alleviate poverty and enhance the dignity of the worldu2019s underprivileged people. Address basic but neglected issues of the poor by involving them in evolving their solutions with dignity and urban material as a reward

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Dayitwa NGO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROJECTPROPOSAL Dayitwa NGO Lat’sMakeadifference www.dayitwa.org.in

  2. DAYITWANGO Introduction DayitwaNGOenvisionsgrowingasanideaacrossregions, economies,andcountriesusingurbandiscardasatoolto alleviatepovertyandenhancethedignityoftheworld’s underprivilegedpeople.Addressbasicbutneglected issuesofthepoorbyinvolvingtheminevolvingtheir solutionswithdignity andurban material asa reward www.dayitwa.org.in

  3. OURVISION&MISSION Utilizingalife-cycleapproachtodevelopment,actasacatalystforbringingaboutlong-lastingchangeinthelivesofpoorchildren, youth,andwomen. Empowertheglobalcivilsocietytoactivelyparticipateinthetransformationalprocessthroughthecivic-drivenchangephilosophy. Adoptthehigheststandardsofgovernancetobecomeatoporganizationforinternationaldevelopmentthatisknowledgeand technology-driven,inventive,andscalable. Dayitwaisastructurethatcountsonhardworkratherthanbathingmoneyaswellasbelievingthatitisenoughtooffermoney. Onehastoaimandalsoutilizethatcashinafavorablemeanstomakesurethatpeoplecanbebenefitted.As the foundationremains tomature,itsgoalwillremainunfaltering. DAYITWANGO www.dayitwa.org.in

  4. PROJECTPROPOSAL ThankYou Foryourattention! www.reallygreatsite.com FAUGETFOUNDATION

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