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  1. WELCOME TO sbemp w w w . S B E M P . c o m

  2. ABOUT sbemp

  3. 3 WHO WE ARE SBEMP LLP was founded in 1994. The founding members were partners in the largest law firm in the Inland Empire, each with over fiGeen years of experience and a proven track record of substanKal success. They formed their own firm to concentrate exclusively on providing clients with superior legal representaKon and first-class service at compeKKve pricing. The firm has conKnued that success and built a strong reputaKon in both complex liKgaKon and transacKonal maMers. The foundaKon of the firm is hard work, creaKve and aggressive advocacy, and an unwavering focus on the needs of the client. Our goal in every maMer is to achieve the best possible result in a cost-efficient manner. Our partners have successfully tried over 100 cases to judgment or verdict, as well as having parKcipated in hundreds of arbitraKons and alternaKve dispute resoluKon proceedings. More oGen than not, this experKse leads to favorable seMlements without the need for trial. The firm has negoKated and closed complex business and real estate transacKons totaling over a billion dollars throughout the United States. The firm’s unique transacKonal porTolio includes public and private companies, in addiKon to local, state and federal governments and regulatory agencies. Many of our aMorneys have spent most of their lives in the Coachella Valley. Their long-term community involvement gives the firm unique access to the area’s business, poliKcal and community leaders. OUR EXPERIENCE

  4. PRACTICE AREAS 4 For each client, the only case or transacKon that maMers is theirs. We understand that. Our clients feel like their problem is ours to solve. That we have their back and they will be taken care of. Legal and business quesKons arise at all hours of the day and we are there to help when help is needed most. We believe clients are best served when they have direct access to their aMorney. Each client has different objecKves and needs. Only through client involvement and parKcipaKon can SBEMP help achieve the result that best meets their individual needs. •  Commercial LiKgaKon •  Mergers & AcquisiKons •  Real Estate and Land Use •  Environmental and Natural Resources •  MediaKon/ArbitraKon •  Corporate and Banking •  Personal Injury •  Public Agency and Municipal Law •  Tribal & NaKve American •  Special Needs, Disability & Healthcare Access •  Trusts & Estates •  Estate Planning and AdministraKon

  5. Industry experience 5 SBEMP aMorneys and legal professionals are experienced in addressing the legal and business issues arising in the complex industries of our clients. By uKlizing skilled and experienced professionals, we offer our clients cost-effecKve soluKons to a variety of issues. RepresenKng clients in a wide range of industries in the Palm Springs and surrounding areas in the Coachella Valley, or naKonwide, allows us to idenKfy and implement soluKons to meet our clients’ needs and objecKves. The list below, while not exhausKve, highlights many of the industries/fields where SBEMP has parKcular strength and experience: •  Banking & Financial InsKtuKons •  Real Estate Development and ConstrucKon •  CommunicaKons and Media •  Health Care AdministraKon •  Homeowner AssociaKons •  Hospitality and Tourism •  Outdoor AdverKsing •  Indian and Tribal Land Leasing and Development AMorneys •  Municipal Governance AMorneys and General Counsel •  Solar and Wind AlternaKve Energy SoluKons •  Trademark and Copyright ProtecKon AMorneys •  Solid Waste and Recycling Contact Us for a Consulta4on Call us at 760-322-2275 to schedule a Kme to meet with our experienced aMorneys in business liKgaKon, real estate and addiKonal pracKce areas. Our Palm Springs law firm is convenient for Los Angeles, San Diego, and the surrounding areas. We also provide naKonwide representaKon.

  6. Verdicts & settlements Verdicts & settlements PATRICIA BEHR V. THOMAS REDMOND Verdict: $6,753,600 Patricia Behr was a single mother who had raised her kids and was looking for a partner to enjoy the rest of her life with. She was extremely conscious of her health and, prior to engaging in a relaKonship with the defendant, asked him to confirm that he was disease free. The defendant, however, failed to disclose a known genital herpes infecKon prior to engaging in a sexual relaKonship with Patricia. He infected her with an incurable sexually-transmiMed disease. In a landmark verdict, the jury awarded $6,753,600 in medical expenses, emoKonal distress damages, and puniKve damages. The verdict is the largest verdict in the history of the United States for a case involving the transmission of genital herpes. KATHRIN SAADIAN V. GEORGE SAADIAN Verdict: $2,492,000 Kathrin Saadian was infected with genital herpes by her husband aGer 16 years of marriage. AGer a brief separaKon, the defendant returned to the house under the pretense of working on the relaKonship. The defendant returned, however, to get Kathrin to sign quitclaim deeds relinquishing her interest in millions of dollars worth of real property the couple had acquired during their marriage. In the process, the defendant infected Kathrin with genital herpes that he had acquired through a series of extra-marital affairs. The jury awarded $2,492,000 in medical expenses, emoKonal distress damages, and puniKve damages. The jury’s verdict is the second largest in the history of the United States for a case involving the transmission of genital herpes. WEST COAST RECYCLING SERVICES, INC. D/B/A MISSION RECYCLING V. RECYCLE AMERICA ALLIANCE, LLC ET AL. Confiden4al SeSlement Waste Management, Inc., WM Recycle America, LLC, and USA Waste of California, Inc. were sued for fraud, and breach of contract arising out of a contract for the delivery and processing of recyclable materials. The plainKff claimed that the Waste Management enKKes never intended to perform and sought over $5,000,000 in damages. The Waste Management enKKes filed a cross-complaint against the plainKff claiming that the plainKff sold their property and kept the money without providing any credit for the millions of dollars in revenue generated from the sale. AGer a week of trial, the plainKff agreed to pay the Waste Management enKKes in a confidenKal seMlement to resolve the dispute. Our experienced commercial liKgaKon aMorneys at Slovak Baron Empey Murphy & Pinkney LLP have helped clients obtain the best results with professionalism, efficiency, and expediency. Our firm’s list of clients represents local and naKonal companies. 6

  7. Contact us To request a consultaKon from one of our aMorneys, please provide your contact informaKon and a brief descripKon of your legal issue. One of our aMorneys will contact you within 48 hours. SLOVAK BARON EMPEY MURPHY & PINKNEY LLP PALM SPRINGS OFFICE 1800 East Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 (Tel.): 760.322.2275 (Fax): 760.322.2107 ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 650 Town Center Drive, Ste. 1400 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Tel.): 714.435.9592 (Fax): 714.850.9011 PRINCETON OFFICE 103 Carnegie Center Blvd., Ste. 300 Princeton, NJ 08540 (Tel.): 609.955.3393 (Fax): 609.520.8731 SAN DIEGO OFFICE 2240 FiGh Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 (Tel.): 619.501.4540 www.SBEMP.com

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