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You can protect your rights while continuing to be polite and respectful. However, you need to avoid getting too conversational with the adjuster. Everything you say is on record and can potentially be used against you. If you were injured in an accident, contact personal injury attorneys in Charlotte at Price, Petho & Associates P.L.L.C. for the experienced legal assistance you deserve. Their law firm has been in business for nearly 40 years and has a history of proven success. You can rely on their personal injury team to stand up to the insurance company and fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve.<br><br>
Dealing With The Insurance Company After An Accident
Within hours of a motor vehicle accident, you can expect to receive a phone call from the other party’s insurance company. It is important to navigate these conversations with caution and to avoid saying anything that can be twisted out of context. You should also seek experienced legal representation as soon as possible. Your personal injury attorney can advise you on what to say and what not to say when speaking to an insurance adjuster.
How To Speak To The Insurance Adjuster One of the most essential things to remember is that the insurance adjuster is not your friend. Of course, this does not mean you need to be rude. You can protect your rights while continuing to be polite and respectful. However, you need to avoid getting too conversational with the adjuster. Everything you say is on record and can potentially be used against you.
Here Are Some Additional Tips That Will Help You Deal With The Insurance Company After An Accident: Do not agree to provide a recorded statement: The adjuster will ask you ❏ to provide a recorded statement, which often involves a series of detailed questions. It is best to politely refuse this request. You should only provide basic information, such as your name, address, where the accident occurred, and when it occurred. You should not discuss your injuries or what you think caused the accident. Do not apologize for the accident:Any apologetic statements you make will ❏ sound like an admission of guilt, so steer clear of them.
❏ Do not sign anything without speaking to an attorney first:The adjuster might ask you to sign a waiver that gives them access to your medical records, or you might even receive a settlement offer. Do not agree to or sign anything until you have a chance to speak to an experienced personal injury attorney. An attorney can advise you on the best course of action to take. ❏ Do not make any speculations:Even mere speculations can be harmful, so do not guess the answers to any of the adjuster’s questions. You can say that you would prefer not to answer.
Schedule A Free Consultation With A Personal Injury Attorney Today! If you were injured in an accident, contact personal injury attorneys in Charlotte at Price, Petho & Associates P.L.L.C. for the experienced legal assistance you deserve. Their law firm has been in business for nearly 40 years and has a history of proven success. You can rely on their personal injury team to stand up to the insurance company and fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve. Reach out to their law office today at (704) 850-6322 to schedule a free case review with one of their trusted attorneys.
Price, Petho & Associates P.L.L.C. 704-850-6322 1430 Elizabeth Ave Charlotte, NC 28204 https://www.priceattorneys.com/contact-us/