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Keeping the car maintained for a prolonged period of time requires a substantial investment of money and effort.<br><br>But not all repairs cost the same. Few can dent your wallet heavily. And these repairs exclude the labor cost. Taking the labor cost into consideration, the amount rises exponentially.
5 Most Expensive Auto Repair Problems
01 Engine For this auto repair problem, you can expect expenditure of anywhere between $1000 and $4000 to be solved.
02 Transmission Due to the lack of oil or overheating, the transmission may get damaged. Getting it repaired may cost you around $2500.
03 Air Conditioning compressor If the compressor stops the circulation of refrigerant, then repairs won’t be enough and you would need to replace it. It can cost up to $1500.
04 Timing Belt Replacement Timing belts go through a lot of wear and tear. Replacing them is an obvious choice and may cost you up to a thousand dollars.
05 Camshaft The amount of dirt and debris getting settled in the camshaft keeps on increasing. Thus, if it gets clogged, you’ll have to shed close to $3000 to replace it.
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