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Final Project for History. Achievements of Caesar
Augustus Caesar By: Luis Duran 12/14/18 Fall 2018
What are the Accomplishments of Augustus Julius? • Augustus founded the roman empire and created many diverse forms of religion, taxation and social structure. Letting his empire thrive and be prosperity. Although, he had many accomplishments, he created a successful tax system, created laws and had an effective financial system. Introduction
Link: https://www.ancient.eu/augustus/ Summary: This source basically describe the life of Augustus during the time he began to serve as emperor of Rome. It later goes on to talk about his life with Cleopatra and Antony where there was tensions in between them. It also mentions his assassination. This source is credible because its written by Joshua J. Mark, he was a part-time philosophy professor and writing instructor at Marist College. He has also written for many major Newspapers and publishing companies. Source 1
Link: https://learnodo-newtonic.com/augustus-accomplishments This source talks about all the thing Augustus did during his time and everything he was able to successfully accomplish. He was able to create an effective financial system, created new laws and was the founder of the roman empire. This source is credible because its written by Anirudh is a novelist who is awaiting publication. They have been writing for many articles and news papers. He wrote a book in 2014 called “Happiness Decoded”. Source 2
Link: http://www.roman-emperors.org/wardoc3a.htm In this source some of the achievements of Augustus are pointed out and explained. For example, it talks about how he wasn’t the greatest leader but he fought well as a soldier in the roman army. This source is credible because it was written by Herbert W Benario who is a well know professor at Emory University. Source 3
Link: http://www.oxfordfirstsource.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199399680.013.0169/acref-9780199399680-e-169?mediaType=Article&result=3&rskey=JdvWeQ This source talks about how great Augustus was at managing the military, and how well he managed it. His accomplishments were engraved on 2 bronze pillars and set in front of a mausoleum. It also describe his naval battle with Antony. This source is credible because it was edited by the Oxford press who consists of a team of college professors and educators at an oxford. Oxford is a well know university who publishes great articles. Source 4
https://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/augustus.html In this article it talks about the life of Augustus and how he was lucky to being adopted into the family. It mentioned tensions in Egypt which made all think cleopatra wanted to claim the throne for herself. It also mentioned his ability to end a 100 year civil war and 40 years of internal peace and prosperity. This source is credible because its written by Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) who has many accredited writers and publishers who make sure information is correct and accurate. Source 5
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Augustus-Roman-emperor In this source it talks about Augustus rose to power. Then his military success as emperor. Then how he was able to create laws and run his government and administration. It also mentions his expansion of the administration then his credibility and achievement toward ruling everyone in Rome making all his work pay off until his assassination. The author of this entry makes this source credible because the author Michael Grant is President and Vice- Chancellor of Queens University in northern Ireland. Source 6
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, born September 23, 63 BCE was the first roman emperor who founded the roman empire and made successful. He created many programs that helped many. He successfully created a very effective financial system. He passed many laws and regulations that helped popularize him. He also supported the thought of having diverse religion between all of Rome and not limit it to just one Conclusion