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Managing through Partnerships Lynne Zeitlin Hale Director, Marine Initiative September, 2003

Managing through Partnerships Lynne Zeitlin Hale Director, Marine Initiative September, 2003. THE NATURE CONSERVANCY. lands. “To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.”.

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Managing through Partnerships Lynne Zeitlin Hale Director, Marine Initiative September, 2003

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  1. Managing through Partnerships • Lynne Zeitlin Hale • Director, Marine Initiative • September, 2003

  2. THE NATURE CONSERVANCY lands “To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.”

  3. A growing marine commitment 60 45 30 15 2000 1990 1995 • 2003:100+ sites in • all coastal states • 25 coastal countries

  4. Marine Conservation How we work • State and Country programs • On the ground/ in the water • conservation • Coastal /marine focus varies • Global Marine Initiative • 1 of 5 Organizational Priorities • Strategic leadership • Innovation • Increased impact • on policy • on conservation

  5. Marine Conservation Focus areas • Seas to Summit Conservation • Critical ecosytem conservation • Focus on land/sea/ocean interactions • MPAs nested within larger “conversation” • Multi-site conservation strategies • Expansion of the conservation “toolkit” • Conservation in context of global change • Coral reef conservation that lasts • Resilience of other systems (e.g. marshes) • US International Leadership • Implementation of WSSD Oceans and Coasts agenda

  6. Seas to Summit Ecoregional assessments…a building block • Identify conservation targets-- ecosystems & spp. • Collect the available information on targets • Set conservation goals • Develop “strawman” set of priority sites using • a reserve selection program • Evaluate these mathematical results in workshops • and interviews with scientists & managers • Finalize the portfolio of sites into an • ecoregional plan

  7. MARINE ECOREGIONAL PLANNING in the Northwest Division Zach A. Ferdaña, The Nature Conservancy Curtis D. Tanner, U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service Michael W. Beck, Ph.D., The Nature Conservancy Paul Dye, The Nature Conservancy

  8. Lead Participants in Ecoregional Assessment U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Department of Natural Resources Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Oregon Natural Heritage Program Conservation Data Center of British Columbia Bureau of Land Management People for Puget Sound University of Washington BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Nature Conservancy of Canada The Nature Conservancy of Washington The Nature Conservancy of Oregon

  9. Seas to Summit Conservation W-P-F Ecoregional assessment outcomes • New Relationships • traditional relationship with Washington DNR & DFW grew • competitive relationship with People for Puget Sound turned into a solid partnershipon nearshore restoration • scale and scope brought new relationships concerning salmon conservation • New Approaches • Integrated land/coastal/marine conservation sites • Built partnerships for implementation • Goal implementation through multiple mechanisms • TNC portfolio site selection • State fish and wildlife habitat priority plans • State designation of marine reserves and aquatic reserves • Status reports and recovery plans for species of concern • Leasing and management of state submerged lands

  10. Seas to Summit Conservation Ecoregional Assessments Basis for new partnerships Common information base (what is important / where it is) Process for development of shared goals (or implications of different goals) One building block for ocean planning/zoning Help clarify additional data needs Marine Ecoregional Assessments completed / underway

  11. Conservation toolkit Innovation in Implementation • Estuary/watershed/ Nursery focus • Demonstration sites • Methodology development • Innovative Tools • Leasing/ownership • of submerged lands • Restoration Photo caption, ©photographer

  12. Innovation • Conservation of submerged lands not currently on the agenda • Private entities (including TNC) have opportunities to lease/own submerged land • Can be teamed effectively with restoration but broader look at use crucial • Ownership / lease hold increases “stake” in whole ecosystem Photo caption, ©photographer

  13. Bay Bottom OwnershipBlue Points in Great South Bay • Restoration of Great South Bay: Preservation and restoration activities could have ecosystem-wide benefits • Develop a multi-use plan for preservation, restoration and use • Co-management

  14. TNC SUNY Stony Brook Town of Brookhaven Town of Islip Cornell Coop. Ext. Suffolk County NY Sea Grant NYS DEC NYS DOS SSER FINS Baymen Bluepoints Co. Environmental Defense Bluepoints Bottomlands Council Members

  15. Historical data collection, GIS mapping & Analysis Eelgrass mapping (DOS) Benthic mapping (DEC) Research & Monitoring of restoration, protection and use activities Eelgrass restoration andpreservation Hard clam and scallop restoration & spawner sanctuaries Small-scale, enviro-friendly aquaculture Public harvest of wild resources Bluepoints Projects Applied Research Restoration, protection & use Potential to become a MARINE ZONING MODEL for estuaries throughout the United States

  16. Innovation Restoration • Necessary to achieve conservation targets • New vision beyond “bucks and acres” to restored ecosystem function • A proactive, partnership approach that yields tangible results NOAA photo library

  17. TNC/NOAA Community-Based Restoration Program: Year 1 in blue -- Year 2 in red -- Year 3 Proposals in green

  18. Seas to Summit Conservation Anticipated supportive OPC recommendations • Better coordination among federal, state, and local agencies to take advantage of their various authorities and capabilities. • New models for federal action that empower state and local agencies to take the lead. • Expanded roles and responsibilities for non-governmental organizations and private business interests • Coastal/Marine planning and implementation at a regional scale to address multiple issues simultaneously. • A shift away from single species management toward integrated, ecosystem-based management of marine resources.

  19. Potential Early Implementation Actions • Support for marine and coastal habitat restoration at seascape scale • Revitalize, coordinate, provide adequate funding for existing ocean and coastal programs • Demonstrate that Ecosystem (Seas to Summit) conservation is practical and effective • Support, catalyze innovation in conservation techniques • Support the science and mechanisms for adaptive management, learning and dissemination of successful strategies • Provide incentives for strengthened partnerships (national, state, local - Governmental / non-governmental)

  20. Coral Reef Conservation TNC goals . • Expand the area of coral reefs and associated habitats under protection; • Build resilience into MPA selection, design, and management; • Establish mutually-replenishing, representative MPA networks; • Strengthen the management effectiveness and financial sustainability of MPAs Caribbean, Pacific (eastern and western), Southeast Asia

  21. Coral Reef Conservation Potential Early Implementation Actions • Increased support of US Coral Reef Task Force Action Plan implementation • -Local Action Strategies • -Climate change and coral reefs (resilience) • -Capacity building • Strengthened science and monitoring programs • Increased support for MPAs and MPA Networks • Strengthened links between MPA Management and Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management • Building resilience into coral reef conservation • USCRTF is one effective model for a partnership / ecosystem approach

  22. How can TNC be a helpful partner in catalyzing action ? • State Level • State TNC teams work with Governors’ offices on comments • Contribute to identifying potential demonstration projects; identify funding opportunities • Contribute to developing capacity, project implementation • National Level • Work with National Governors Association; Coastal States Organization; other NGOS on comments • Work with both the Administration and Congress on both a strong, positive, early actions as well as long term strategy

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