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Preschool education is provided for children of 5-6.5 years old to give them equal opportunities to go on to study at the elementary school. ...
Slide 14:The participants of the project
The department of education of the Ulyanovsk region Ulyanovsk educational management authority Ulyanovsk Retraining Institute of Educators Ulyanovsk State Technical University (UlSTU) Ulyanovsk Virtual University (UVU) College of Economics and Information Technology (CEI) Institute of Distance Education (IDO) Ulyanovsk Consortium of Open Education (UCOE) Project: Instructional support network
Instructional support networkSlide 16:Teaching and learning in virtual rooms Electives Subject quizzes and competitions Regional teacher seminars Internet-conferences Open teacher meetings Virtual exhibition on achievements in education Communication via educational forums Workshops, organized by innovative teachers Creating digital learning objects repository, providing access to it and its regular updating
New distance learning activities provided by Instructional support network
From School to College subsystem School-college School The CEI specialties Finance Economics and Accounting Management Public and Municipal management Software Engineering Civil Engineering Non-metallic Constructions The education is provided by the integrated curriculum in any form of education and in any part of Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region. 3 institutions: School, Ulyanovsk Virtual University and College of Economics and Information Technology The College of Economics and Information Technology (CEI) CEI Traditional form of learning Simultaneous learning 1 year 10 months 2 years 10 months 10 months 1 year 10 months The 10th -11th grades The 10th -11th grades Social and ecomonic specialization Technical specialization The specializations of education Parallel Learning CEI Philosophy Foundations Law Foundations Russian Language and Speech Standards Foreign Language Social Science and Political Science Foundations Psychology and dealings ethics Culture science Informatics Ecology Organizational economics Marketing Document management (Records management and Business Correspondence) Accounting and audit Legal support of business activity (Law) Life Safety Business Foundations Life Safety Business Foundations Physical Training Economics Statistics Finance, money circulation and credit Management Psychology HR management Strategic Management Finance Management Tax policy Business Analysis Information technologies in professional activity RF budget system Decision management Quality management Material and technical flow management Civil engineering Philosophy Foundations Law Foundations Russian Language and Speech Standards Foreign Language Social Science and Political Science Foundations Psychology and dealings ethics Culture science Informatics Ecology Organizational economics Marketing Document management (Records management and Business Correspondence) Accounting and audit Legal support of business activity (Law) Life Safety Business Foundations Computer Techniques Database Theory of chances and mathematic statistics Numerical methods Computer networks Mathematic methods Software design methods Computer networks software Remote database design and operate (use) Software Package Information Security Foundations of computer-assisted information networks Engineering graphics CADL Computer maintenance Programming languages Web-design foundations Computer and System software Philosophy Foundations Law Foundations Russian Language and Speech Standards Foreign Language Social Science and Political Science Foundations Psychology and dealings ethics Culture science Informatics Ecology Organizational economics Marketing Document management (Records management and Business Correspondence) Accounting and audit Legal support of business activity (Law) Life Safety Business Foundations Document management (Records management and Business Correspondence) Business-planning Physical Training Economics Statistics Banking Foundations Finance and credit RF budget system Treasury Tax policy Economic analysis Foundations Information Technology in Work Activity Corporate Finance Financial Management Insurance Finance and Law Corporate Financial Analysis Non-metallic constructions Philosophy Law Russian language and Speech Standards Foreign Language Psychology in Business Relationships Culture science Informatics Ecology Life Safety Mathematics Higher mathematics Social Science and Political Science Foundations Management foundations Legal support of work activity Algorithmization and programming foundations Information Technology Professional-oriented informational systems IT specialization Training program of ULVU and CEI UlVU Information technology – 68 hours. Legal support of work activity- 34 hours. TOTAL- 102 hours. Philosophy Foundations – 34 hours. Management foundations – 34 hours. Higher mathematics– 34 hours. TOTAL – 102 hours. Integrated curriculum of school-college structure The 11th grade IT specialization Basic curriculum (BS) Elective courses (204 hours) Algorithmization and programming foundations- 48 hours. Foreign language- 48 hours. Higher math-16 hours. Professional-oriented economic informational systems -52 hours. TOTAL: 164 hours (5 hours a week) Elective courses UlVU UlVU learners CEI students IDO Radishchevo Salmanovka Isheevka Schools No 7, 9, 19 Isheevka Maina B. Kliuchishchi Kuzovatovo St. Timoshkino Kr. Gorodishche N.Maina Str.Maina Cherdakly Tagai District training centers (schools) ULSTU Vocational college-30 Schools No 21, 29, 56, 57, 51, 15 Schools No 10, 11, 46, 58, 62 Schools No 5,86, 69, 9, 22, 71 , 74, 81, 83, 44 Schools No 7, 12,13, 24,25, 27, 37, 43, 45, 51, 55, 60, 61, 76, 78, 82 City training centers Engels str. Festival str. Ablukova str. Entusiast str. City training centers Novospasskoe Maina Veshkaima District training centers (schools) Training centers CEI Finance Economics and Accounting Management Public and municipal administration Computer and System Software Construction and Operation of Buildings Non-metallic Constructions ULVU learners The 10th -11th grades Additional education (parallel) ULVU learners Social and economic specialization IT specialization CEI Students ULSTU Business accounting, analysis and audit Finance and credit Enterprise management HR management Applied Informatics in Economics Computers, computer systems and networks Industrial and civil engineering University College Innovative Higher Education A participant has a direct access to the up-to-date and reliable information allowing him to participate in the training activity; Any participant can transfer the important information to another at any time. UNIVERSITY INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT One of the university strategic goals is to build up an integrated learning environment where: Network of regional computer centers with computer rooms easy to access; The university computer-based learning management system; e-library; educational portal including subdivision websites which allow to publish and manage the information directly from the LMS databases; Electronic Document Management Server with digital e-resources (instructional materials repository) and unified subject catalogue; Computer support of instructional activities; Monitoring of the information flow (websites and forums statistics, frequency of new materials publishing, citation indexes). Recourses needed for it:Slide 27:A modern system of open education has built. It is provided by: IDO- higher vocational education; CEI- secondary vocational education; BSC- additional education; Branches. Instructional support has been developed (instructional materials, networked learning systems) for -5 specialties of the higher education; - 7 specialties of the secondary education. Working in this field for 10 years already we have the opportunities to provide all the university specialties with such kind of support.
The IDO ULSTU experience
Discipline 1.1. Specialty 1 Discipline 1.2. Specialty 2 Discipline 2.1. Specialty N Discipline N.M. …. …. Group of specialties Learning object repository and compilation of courses Database 1 – learning object repository Learning object Object components, author, edition date, Email… Specialty, discipline, topic Learning object Learning object Learning object Object components Object components Object components Object components Learning object Learning object Learning object Learning object Learning object Object components Object components Object components Object components Database 2 – learning object metadata Topic Object components Teaching department Request for SIM according to a competence Schedule of SIM publishing for learning process Chair Selection of instructional materials for a competence training Head VIT-center Publishing department, proofreader Special instructional committee Examining SIM ULSTU chairs Expert council Examining SIM The process of a set of Instructional materials (hard copy) designing E-learning system design Guidelines on e-learning system development (for authors) Steps of designing and using e-learning system for competence training (for temporary creative team) Schedule of e-learning system design Special instructional committee on competence training Administrating learning process in WebCT (for administrator) Guidelines for teaching in WebCT (for teacher) Guidance on learning via e-learning system (for student) Making a contact on e-learning system development with author author instructional designer programmer designer WebCT administrator Chair meeting Access from computer classes Access via Internet The process of eLearning System Designing Enterprise University Professional Development and Retraining System Develop a tool allowing quick adaptation of the typical competence model to meet any needs of an enterprise and to provide training and professional development to employees Develop a typical computerized vocational training management system with object-oriented design Create a repository of e-learning resources with the expert content assessment system embedded Objectives of the Professional Development and Retraining System Presenting the services Preliminary analysis of an enterprise Identifying the target audience Requirements to learning results Identifying fields of activity need to be improved Developing key competency model 1 Workshop for raising motivation Testing Designing and developing a program Choosing methods and approaches Education and training Assessment Designing new programs according to enterprise needs Using the competency-based approach to improve the efficacy of enterprises 2 3 4 6 7 8 Workshop for raising motivation 5 9 10 11 12 13 15 Support 14 Presenting new services 16 Field of activity is an occupational field i.e. ICT, Economics, Management etc. Application area is a functional area within the field of activity. Business role is an occupation, professional qualification. Competence is knowledge, skills, abilities and personal characteristics helping to succeed within the company strategy and corporate culture. Levels of specialist’s responsibility: Requirements model for specialists Requirements to the level of responsibility: Level 3. Apply General description of specialist of level 3 Carries out agreed network configuration, installation and maintenance. Uses standard procedures and tools to carry out defined systems backups, restoring data where necessary. Uses network management tools to collect and report on network load and performance statistics. Contributes to network problem resolution. Works under the direction of more experienced specialists. Follows the agreed instructions. Skills requirements: Installs workstation network operating systems; sets up network connections to workstations. Competency-based curriculum design Requirements to the level of responsibility: Level 4. Enable General description of specialist of level 4 Uses network management tools to determine network load and performance statistics. Creates reports and proposals for improvement. Checks that problems are managed in accordance with agreed standards and procedures. Contributes to the investigation and diagnosis of network problems, working with users, other staff and suppliers as appropriate. Implements agreed network changes and maintenance routines. Works in the frame of the agreed direction. Plans his work in accordance with the administration’s instructions. Contributes to the solution of network problems and any emergency situations. Provides specialist guidance and advice to specialists of lower level of responsibility. Skills requirements: Installs and sets up server operating systems for enterprises; sets up all the server services (ex. for Windows Server 2003 sets up Active directory, DNS, DhCP, file server, mail server, database server, print-server, terminal server, etc.). Competency-based curriculum design Composing learning objects according to the levels of responsibility Application area Learning materials Tests Multimedia materials Diagrams Practice Trainer Plays Etc. Learning objects (competences) repository: Business role The first learning object The second learning object The third learning object Filling the first level of responsibility Filling levels of responsibility by learning objects Application area Levels Business role 1 Requirements model for training system in the ICT field F I E L D S O F A C T I V I T Y Common educational space of Ulyanovsk retraining System Distributed learning objects repositories environment Requirements model for training system in different fields of activity Open and distance learning process is managed by Integrated information system MOTOR. Traditional and Distance Learning Technologies Training of ICT specialist of Ulyanovsk Mechanical plant Development of professional retraining and training courses according to Russian IT professional standards for such qualifications as Programmer, Web-designer, Database administrator, System administration specialist Practical results of the Professional Development and Retraining SystemSlide 44:Thank you
Dr. Yury Isaev Vice-President of Ulyanovsk State Technical University 32, Severny Venets Ulyanovsk Russia, 432027 ??l.: +7 8422 41 82 33, 77 88 45 Fax: + 7 8422 41 85 40 email: ido@ido.ulstu.ru We invite you to collaborate with us!