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Phacoemulsification – a modern cataract surgery in which the eye’s internal lens is emulsified with an ultrasonic handpiece and aspirated from the eye.
Rhexis Everything You Need to Know and Phacoemulsification – Medical science is vast – you can spend a lifetime mugging up the names of diseases, medicines and treatments, but can literally never reach the end of it. The most commonly ignored body part that really needs some major concern is the human eye. We tend to take care of all the other organs but the eyes remain a neglected one, preferably because some of the fatal diseases never really occurred in the eyes. However, that is not really the case; there are some major complications that happen in the eyes and need immediate medical attention. One such eye disease is Rhexis - the rupture of a blood vessel or of an organ. To treat this, the process is Phacoemulsification - a modern cataract surgery in which the eye's internal lens is emulsified with an ultrasonic handpiece and aspirated from the eye.
Here are a few essential principles of Phacoemulsification – If the case is such that the Rhexis is trying to run out all the time even though the chamber is deep, then you need forceps immediately. The target here is to make smaller Rhexis which is better than Rhexis that is running out. Performing the Rhexis through paracenteses will provide a stable chamber and the Rhexis can then be performed safely. It is recommended to enlarge the Rhexis in case it is too small. Even though an enlarged version of Rhexis doesn’t really matter, if it is too small it need to be enlarged. This can be done by placing the IOL. If the Rhexis is large and feel then you may not as well think it is important to consider since his is not a serious issue,. These points mentioned-above points are some essential principles that need to be considered during phacoemulsification. If theoretical information isn’t exactly enough for you, you can choose to watch the phacoemulsification videos online to get complete insight on how the things can be managed, including how the cataract surgery is managed and conducted. For more information or to watch videos online, log on to https://iop.vision/library/f- phacoemulsification-step-step-completing-rhexis-2.