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2. 1. Course Instructor. Name: Alireza AzimiRoom:Email: Info@alirezaazimi.com. 3. 2. Lecture and Tutorial Time/Venue. wednesdays1400-1700: Lecture @ SR1Thursdays1100-1400: Lecture @ SR11400-1700 : Lecture @ SR1To Settle: Are we able to move the Saturday slot, to Friday @ TR6? (TR6 = soc1-3-20).
1. 1 CS2104 Programming Languages Concepts Course Administration
2. 2 1. Course Instructor Name: Alireza Azimi
Email: Info@alirezaazimi.com
3. 3 2. Lecture and Tutorial Time/Venue wednesdays
1400-1700 : Lecture @ SR1
1100-1400 : Lecture @ SR1
1400-1700 : Lecture @ SR1
To Settle: Are we able to move the Saturday slot, to Friday @ TR6? (TR6 = soc1-3-20)
4. 4 3. Textbook Recommended Text: R. W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 6th Edition, Addison Wesley (2004).
Other texts worth consulting:
Pratt & Zelkowitz, Programming Languages Design and Implementation , 4th Edition, Prentice Hall (2001).
Tucker and Noonan, Programming Languages. McGraw Hill (2002).
5. 5 4. Assessment Tentatively:
Tutorial participation : 10%
Quizzes/midterm: 10%
Reserch : 30%
Final examination : 50%
Depending on circumstances, I may increase the quiz component (and correspondingly decrease the exam component) by a further 10%
6. 6 4. Assessment Quizzes:
Will be conducted either
before each tutorial session, or
before each lecture session.
You decide.
Will consists of MCQs, or questions which require short answers, or both.
Will be open-book
Will range between 15-20 minutes
Open-book or Close-book (option)
7. 7 5. Keeping in Touch (I) a. Course Website:
Check the course-website regularly for
Lecture notes
Tutorial questions
Other necessary resources – programming language tutorials, downloadable compilers, interpreters.
8. 8 5. Keeping in Touch (II) b. Consultation (After Tutorials for 1 hr)
c. Email: For course admin matters
d. IVLE… See if I can set it up.
9. 9 6. Why??? Increased capacity to express ideas
The depth of what we can think is influenced by the expressive power of the language in which we communicate.
Awareness of various PL features advantages in
Helping software development thought process.
Using them through simulation in languages which do not have these features.
10. 10 6. Why??? Improved background for choosing an appropriate language.
An old saying “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
Eg. Ericsson and Erlang.
11. 11 6. Why??? Increased ability to learn a new language.
Languages come and go… concepts remain.
Once a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of languages is acquired, it becomes far easier to see how these concepts are incorporated into the design of the language being learned.
Learn the paradigms… languages become treated as dialects.
12. 12 6. Why??? Better understanding of the significance of implementation. This in turn leads us to:
The design decisions of the language
Efficient and informed use of language constructs (Eg. Recursion vs Iteration)
13. 13 6. Why??? Understand the overall advancement in computing:
The rise and fall of a language… Why certain langauges are well-received? Is it because of certain good design features? Did it succeed due to hype? Did it fail due to biasness?
Eg. Algol60 was not well received even though it was the first to introduce block structure, recursion and well-structured control statements.
14. 14 6. Why??? Understand the overall advancement in computing:
Eg. Java’s use of OO vs Perl’s use of OO
“…But this is not primarily a book about object-oriented methodology, and we're not here to convert you into a raving object-oriented zealot, even if you want to be converted. There are already plenty of books out there for that. Perl's philosophy of object-oriented design fits right in with Perl's philosophy of everything else: use object-oriented design where it makes sense, and avoid it where it doesn't. Your call.” (Larry Wall, Programming Perl)
15. 15 Lecture 1: Introduction Reading:
Sebesta Chapter 1 and 2
(You may consult the text by Tucker and Noon, and also the other by Pratt, both chapter 1)
16. 16 Overview Background
Paradigms of Computation
Abstraction of Computation
Role of Programming Langugaes
What makes a successful language?
17. 17 A. Background
18. 18 A. Background
19. 19 A. Background “Frankly, we didn’t have the vaguest idea how the thing [FORTRAN language and compiler] would work out in detail. …We struck out simply to optimize the object program, the running time, because most people at that time believed you couldn’t do that kind of thing. They believed that machined-coded programs would be so inefficient that it would be impractical for many applications.”
John Backus
Unexpected successes are common – the browser is another example of an unexpected success.
20. 20 A. Background
21. 21 A. Background
22. 22 A. Background
23. 23 A. Background
24. 24 A. Background
25. 25 A. Background
26. 26 A. Background
27. 27 A. Background
28. 28 A. Background
29. 29 A. Background
30. 30 A. Background
31. 31 Overview Background
Paradigms of Computation
Abstraction of Computation
Role of Programming Langugaes
What makes a successful language?
32. 32 B. Paradigms Fundamental Paradigms
Instructional Reasoning
Functional Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Augmented Paradigms
Reasoning by Simulating the Real World
Reasoning by the Mass
33. 33 B. Paradigms Instructional
Basic property : Machine State
Program = Sequence of Instructions to change machine state.
Solution to problem = Program to change from start state to final state
34. 34 B. Paradigms Functional
Key Idea: Mathematical Functions.
More concerned with the input and output, and not about state changes in Machines.
Program = sequence of function applications.
= f1(f2 (f3 … (fn data)…))
Paradigm Shift : To treat program as a mathematical specification/proof.
35. 35 B. Paradigms Deductive
36. 36 B. Paradigms The way we reason dictates the way we program:
Instructional Reasoning : Imperative
Functional Reasoning : Functional
Deductive Reasoning : Logical
Reasoning by simulating the Real World
: Object-Oriented
Reasoning by the mass : Concurent
37. 37 B. Paradigms – Languages Functional
Haskell, Scheme, Lisp, ML or SML
Prolog, ECLiPSe, B-Prolog, CLP(R)
C, Pascal, Perl, Tcl
C++, Eiffel, Java, Smalltalk, Simula
Ada, Linda, Concurrent Pascal
38. 38 Overview Background
Paradigms of Computation
Abstraction of Computation
Role of Programming Langugaes
What makes a successful language?
39. 39 C. Abstraction What is abstraction?
Abstraction in Programming : The act of finding a common framework that represents and describes a variety of computational entities.
Computational entities : control, data, objects, relations…
Abstraction is the most fundamental concept for programming and language design.
Why Perform Abstraction?
Facilitates problem definition and solving.
Abstraction creates entities that live in the model of mental reasoning, therefore makes mental reasoning comfortable and efficient
40. 40 C. Abstraction What can be abstracted?
Many computational entities can be abstracted
Control flow : functions, procedures
Data : abstract data types (ADTs)
Program : modules, objects
File systems : I/O streams
Entities/objects : types, classes
41. 41 C. Abstraction What must a language do to allow abstraction?
Syntactic : (Give you a way to specify abstraction…)
abstraction body, possibly with parameters, and possibly with names (e.g. f(x, y, z) - just a function name with parameters : x, y and z)
Semantic : (…and tell you what it means)
A more complex example for OO-paradigm – data abstraction:
Identifying and grouping (eg. through classes, types)
Protocol for interaction (e.g. objA.f(x,y,z))
Mechanism for specialization (how to “narrow down” to the actual object – an objA of class X?)
42. 42 C. Abstraction What are the benefits of Abstraction?
Be closer to the mental model of the problem (and solution)
easier to verify correctness
separation of concern -- focusing on issues at hand
improve programmers’ productivity
easier to communicate among programmers/managers
43. 43 Overview Background
Paradigms of Computation
Abstraction of Computation
Role of Programming Langugaes
What makes a successful language?
44. 44 D. Role of Programming Languages Different Paradigms (of thought), and the use of Abstraction (of almost anything) influence the role of a programming languages and their compilers/interpreters. 2 main roles:
PLs used as an higher level means of communication with the computer. We want to bring the computer up to the level of our mind (through paradigms of thought; through abstraction), and not the other way round.
PLs as a means to provide effective ways of organising computations. Organize data/computation through abstraction or through our modes of thought and not according to hardware details.
45. 45 D. Role of Programming Languages
46. 46 D. Role of Programming Languages Importance of organizing complexity
Due to a programming error, the rocket carrying Mariner I, an unmanned probe to Venus, had to be destroyed 290 seconds after launch on July 22, 1962.
Program (in pseudocode):
if in radar contact with rocket then
do not correct its flight path.
47. 47 D. Role of Programming Languages Chairman: Who was responsible for leaving this [not] out?
Mr Wyatt: It was a human error…
Mr Fulton: Does NASA check to see that the computers are correctly [programmed]? Doesn’t any outside inspector check, or is it just up to the [programmer] and if he does not do it nobody else knows about it?
Dr Morrison: This is a minute detail of the [program], which I agree should be checked. However, in good management practices, if we followed every detail to this point, we would have a tremendous staff.
Mr Fulton: …the loss up to $18 or $20 million, plus the time, plus the loss of prestige… would seem to me to require a system of checking to see that the contractor programmed correctly…
48. 48 D. Role of Programming Languages Dr Morrison: This is true. I would like to point out there were 300 runs made of this [program; the error was not uncovered]…
Mr Fulton: My point is that we know of one [error], but we do not know if there were others…
Mr Waggonner: … I share your concern there. I would have to be reluctant to say we hire enough personnel to check every [programmer]. That would mean… two people doing every job – a man checking every man…
Chairman: … I feel that I have a vague knowledge of what you are talking about, but we certainly should be able to devise some system for checks that will not allow this type of error to creep in.
(31/7/62 Hearing before the Committee)
49. 49 D. Role of Programming Languages
50. 50 Overview Background
Paradigms of Computation
Abstraction of Computation
Role of Programming Langugaes
What makes a successful language?
51. 51 E. Implementation
52. 52 E. Implementation – Compilation
53. 53 E. Implementation – Interpretation
54. 54 E. Implementation To compile or interpret? Pros and cons for each.
Compilation can be more efficient than interpretation.
Interpretation can be more flexible than compilation.
55. 55 Overview Background
Paradigms of Computation
Abstraction of Computation
Role of Programming Langugaes
What makes a successful language?
56. 56 F.What makes a Language Successful
57. 57 F.What makes a Language Successful
58. 58 F.What makes a Language Successful
59. 59 F.What makes a Language Successful
60. 60 F.What makes a Language Successful
61. 61 F.What makes a Language Successful
62. 62 F.What makes a Language Successful
63. 63 F.What makes a Language Successful
64. 64 F.What makes a Language Successful
65. 65 F.What makes a Language Successful
66. 66 F.What makes a Language Successful
67. 67 F.What makes a Language Successful
68. 68 F.What makes a Language Successful
69. 69 F.What makes a Language Successful Design Aspects
Naturalness for the application
Support for Abstraction
Clarity, Simplicity, Unity
Practical Aspects
Programming Environment Support
Cost of Use
Affects both Design and Practice
Ease of Verification