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CSI 3120 Programming Languages Concepts

Welcome to. CSI 3120 Programming Languages Concepts. Contact information. Lecturer: Nathalie Japkowicz Office: STE 5029 Phone: 562-5800 ext. 6693 Email: nat@eecs.uottawa.ca My Web site: www.eecs.uottawa.ca/~nat/ Office hours: TBA. Topics. Preliminaries

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CSI 3120 Programming Languages Concepts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to CSI 3120Programming Languages Concepts

  2. Contact information • Lecturer: Nathalie Japkowicz • Office: STE 5029 • Phone: 562-5800 ext. 6693 • Email: nat@eecs.uottawa.ca • My Web site: www.eecs.uottawa.ca/~nat/ • Office hours: TBA

  3. Topics • Preliminaries • Recap of Prolog and Scheme • Evolution of the major programming languages • Describing the syntax of programming languages • Describing the semantics of programming languages • Syntactic analysis and parsing • An introduction to Perl • An introduction to R • Names, bindings, type checking, and scopes; data types; expressions and the assignment statement; statement-level control structures; subprograms • Implementing subprograms • Concurrency

  4. Lectures, labs, textbook, Web site Lectures: Mondays 4-5:30pm,Wednesdays 2:30-4pm,STE C0136 Labs+tutorials: Fridays 8:30-10:00am ☹ STE 0130 Textbook: Robert W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 10th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2013(University Bookstore) Course web site: http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~nat/Courses/csi3120_2014/

  5. Evaluation You must receive at least 35 of 70 exam marks: if MD + FN < 35 then Total = (MD + FN ) * 1.43 else Total = MD + FN + HW;

  6. Exams • The exams are closed book, but a crib sheet or two will be allowed. • Midterm: October 27 (in class) • Both exams will be a mixture of multiple-choice questions with one choice out of four and open questions.

  7. Assignments

  8. Assignments (continued) One written assignment (#2). One programming assignment (#3). Two assignments written/programming(#1, #4). Late penalty: 0.5 mark for each working weekday 0.25 mark for each Saturday/Sunday/holiday

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