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Essential Questions

Explore the essence of essential questions in cognitive strategies to promote comprehension and retention. Utilize activating, summarizing, and questioning techniques to enhance student engagement and critical thinking skills in English & Spanish.

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Essential Questions

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  1. Essential Questions "Given the amount of time we have to spend on this particular unit of study, what is the essence....what is essential for the learners in my care to explore?" Heidi Jacobs- Hayes

  2. Essential Questions... 1) have no one right answer 2) can be answered by all students 3) enable all students to learn 4) involve thinking, not just answering 5) make students investigators

  3. Graphic Organizers Concepts Visual Representation Knowledge English & Spanish Graphic Organizers Relationships Ideas

  4. Activating Prior Knowledge Purpose: To activate students' prior knowledge through the use of engaging strategies designed to focus learning.

  5. Activating Strategies

  6. Cognitive Strategies Purpose:  To provide a structure for learning that actively promotes the comprehension and retention of knowledge through the use of engaging strategies that acknowledge the brain's limitations of capacity and processing

  7. Cognitive Strategies

  8. What is Cooperative Learning? Cooperative Learning refers to a set of instructional methods in which students work in small, mixed ability learning teams. The students in each group are responsible not only for learning the material being taught, but also for helping their teammates learn.

  9. Cooperative Learning • Cooperative Learning • The Cooperative Learning Network

  10. Summarizing Strategies Purpose: To promote the retention of knowledge through the use of engaging strategies designed to rehearse and practice skills for the purpose of moving knowledge into long-term memory

  11. Summarizing Strategies

  12. Questioning Strategies What Is It? Questioning Strategies is a teaching strategy to prompt thinking. Using questioning techniques in a variety of different contexts and according to a taxonomy of higher order thinking skills helps students develop the ability to reason. Teachers ask questions that require students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the information they are taught.

  13. Studies show that students exposed to high cognitive level questions score significantly higher on standardized achievement tests than those students who have only been exposed to low order level questions. Classroom Questioning

  14. In order to elicit specific responses, a teacher may consider whether he/she is asking closed or open questions. Higher-order questions tend to be open and encourage divergent thinking.

  15. Higher-level Questioning Starters What do you know about..? Can you explain..? Would you expect..? What if..? Imagine yourself..(why?)

  16. Questioning & Brain Research Teachers' effective use of a variety of higher-order questions can overcome the brain's natural tendency to limit information. In turn, students' minds can become more open to new ideas and creative mental habits.

  17. "Wait Time" refers to that period of teacher silence that follows the posing of a question (Wait Time I) as well as that following an initial student response (WaitTime II).

  18. Delving Techniques Rephrase or clarify the question. Restate. Do not repeat the same question. Give students clue Provide information for clues Ask Student for more information or expand

  19. How can you Implement Exemplary Practices? Glossary of Instructional Strategies Teacher Resource Center Classroom Strategies

  20. More sites to explore: Mathematics and Science Education Center reading_strategies Teaching Methods- National Teacher Standards Site

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