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INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT HISTORICAL OVERVIEW in figures and pictures 1995-2009 Ausma Markevica Latvia University of Agriculture. Number of Presentations (1995 - 2009). Number of P ublications at the Conference Proceedings.
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT HISTORICAL OVERVIEW in figures and pictures 1995-2009 Ausma Markevica Latvia University of Agriculture
1996 – 2000 in Latvian 2001 in Latvian, English and Russian 2002 – 2008 in English
Totally 868 presentations Totally 643 publications
1995 -1996 • Without programme • Publication as Abstracts
1997Lauksaimniecības zinātne ceļā uz 21.gadsimtuResearch of Agricultural Sciences on the way to 21st Century
1997Visit of Agricultural Consultancy Center of Latvia Botanical Garden in Salaspils
1998Vide cilvēkam, cilvēks videiEnvironment to Human and Human to Environment
1999Zinātnes nākotne mūsu rokāsFuture of Research in our Hands
2001Research for Rural DevelopmentNew design of the programme,became traditional
2002Ventspils University College, Rabits Farm at the Piltene
2003simple home pageCouncil of Science of Latvia accepted proceedings as generally recognized and reviewed scientificpublications
2003Visit of The Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing in Dobele
200410th International Scientific Conference “RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELPMENT “
2005 • Included in CABI (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International) database • proceedings in CD
2005visit of Research Institute of Cereals Selection at Stende
2007Visit to Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava"