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Welcome to St Simon ’ s www.stsimonspartick.com. 11 th SUNDAY 2013 Sound system upgraded.
Welcome to St Simon’swww.stsimonspartick.com 11th SUNDAY 2013 Sound system upgraded
INTROIT (Tune: Be thou my vision)Hear me my people I will sprinkle you allwith fresh water to cleanse you from sin and its thralleach falsehood and idol I’ll teach you to seefor you are my chosen, your God I shall be.Hear me my people I’ll redeem you from guiltevery fault will be made good each ruin rebuilt.The world all around you my action will seefor you are my chosen, your God I shall beCanticle of Ezechiel
Penitential RiteKyrie Eleison (x3)Christe Eleison (x3)Kyrie Eleison (x3)Greek: Lord / Christ / Lord have mercy
THE WORD For the rest of this year is based on the Gospel of LUKE (or did you know that anyway?)
FIRST READING 2 SAMUEL 12. 7 - 13 King David commits adultery
Psalm 30: Response Forgive Lord forgive Lord the guilt of my sin
EPISTLE GALATIANS 2. 16 – 21 Living the life of Christ
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia (Plainchant)
GOSPEL LUKE 7. 36 - 50 Jesus at the house of Simon the Pharisee
APOSTLES’ CREED • I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth • and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord • who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, • suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. • He descended into hell; • on the third day he rose again from the dead. • He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, • the Father almighty. • From there he will come to judge the living and the dead. • I believe in the Holy Spirit, • the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, • the forgiveness of sins, • the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen
PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL In response to the Gospel, during Advent anyone may try and say a prayer, ending: Lord in your mercy….. Missal suggests 4 intentions That our church might….. That our society might….. That our parish might….. At this special time we might.. PLEASE NOTE: these prayers are for us here. Those who are absent (the poor, refugees, sick, dead etc) should be remembered at the “memento” during the Eucharistic prayer
There is no plate collection here unless for a previously intimated good cause. TODAY for poorer parishes If you wish to support St Simon’s you must do this through your bank or the envelope system. Forms in sacristy. Box at back for visitors’ donations. SUNDAY MASS 10 & 6pm in English 6 Vigil & 12 noon in Polish DAILY 12 30 except Sat. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Sat 12
The Lord be with youAnd with your spiritLift up your heartsWe lift them up to the LordLet us give thanks to the Lord our GodIt is right and justPREFACE to the Eucharistic Prayer…..
SANCTUS(Schubert) Holy holy holy, Lord, God of hosts (x2) Heaven and earth are full, full of your glory Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest Blessed is He who comes, in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest
MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION (Schubert) We proclaim your death O Lord and profess your resurrection until you come again, until you come again
THE LORD’S PRAYER If English is not your first language you are encouraged to say this prayer in the language in which you first learned it The peace of the Lord be with you And with your spirit
Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us (x2) Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. But only say the word and my soul shall be healed
Communion Procession Bless the Lord my soul and bless God’s holy name Bless the Lord my soul who leads me into life.
POSTCOMMUNIONPraise to the holiest in the heightand in the depth be praisein all his words most wonderfulmost sure in all his ways.O loving wisdom of our God when all was sin and shamea second Adam to the fightand to the rescue came.O wisest love that flesh and bloodwhich did in Adam failshould strive afresh against the foeshould strive and should prevail
And that a higher gift than graceshould flesh and blood refineGod’s presence and his very selfand essence all divine.O generous love that he who smotein us for us the foethe double agony in usfor us should undergo.And in the garden secretly and on the cross on highshould teach his brethern and inspireto suffer and to die.Cardinal Newman
J&P Group Meeting Mon 17 June 6pm St Simon’s ECUMENISM Churches Together Gen Sec 18 June 7 30 pm OL&St George’s JOHN DEIGHAN Wed 19 June 7 30 Ogilvie C CADDER PIT DISASTER 100th Anniversary Mass Sun 30 June 3 pm St Agnes Lambhill CATECHIST TRAINING Info eve Tue 27 June 7pm Eyre Hall GAP YEAR Salesian Youth Outreach email urspace2013@gmail.com Church open daily 8 am – 6 pm Solidarity with Emmaus Shop 530 Dum Rd to recycle. Tel: 342 4089 Calamus licence to reproduce music no 1324