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The February Revolution

The February Revolution. What were the causes, key events and results of the first revolution of 1917?. Long term causes of the February Revolution Pre 1917. World war 1 – Increased discontent amongst public and army because of heavy losses and various shortages.

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The February Revolution

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  1. The February Revolution What were the causes, key events and results of the first revolution of 1917?

  2. Long term causes of the February Revolution Pre 1917 World war 1 – Increased discontent amongst public and army because of heavy losses and various shortages. The Tsar – poor decisions and lack of leadership ability. Criticised for taking command of Armed Forces during WW1. Rasputin and the Tsarina – the power the Tsar gave them was criticised – Rasputin’s bad reputation hurt the position of the Tsar. Long term causes Problems with the Duma – Issues of 1905 Revolution Not fully resolved – Duma Unhappy about being ignored – Formation of Progressive Bloc. • Growing opposition groups – • Traditional opposition (SDs, SRs etc) • Now also opposition from some • People who had been pro-Tsar because • of mistakes made in WW1

  3. The Revolution – ‘a collapse from within’? • Rodzyanko (Duma president) predicted that there would be ‘very serious’ unrest if the Tsar failed to act to recognise the concerns of his people – the Tsar did not act – so his people did!! • Outbreaks of industrial unrest had been occurring since the beginning of 1917 on a regular basis.

  4. 18 Feb – Putilov workers go on strike – over the following days they are joined by others. 23 Feb – International Women’s Day – female demonstrators join those already protesting. Demands included an end to bread rationing, better wages and an end to the first world war. 25 Feb – A General strike paralyses Petrograd – a wide range of opposition now showing their discontent. The police do little – in fact many have sympathy with the protestors. The Tsar remains 400 miles from Petrograd – relies on his advisors and the Tsarina for information. Tells his General in Petrograd to end the problems quickly. 18th to the 25th of February

  5. 26 Feb – Khabalov (Petrograd army commander) fails to put down the demonstrators. Majority of Petrograd army garrison deserts and some join the protestors. 27 Feb – Tsar dissolves the Duma. 12 Duma members refuse to be dismissed and form the Provisional Committee – open defiance to the Tsar – Kerensky calls for the Tsar to quit. The Petrograd Soviet is set up. The Provisional Committee and the Soviet form a Dual Authority and become a ‘de facto’ government. Real Revolution 26th February – 3rd March

  6. The Tsar is advised by Rodzyanko to abdicate but instead he decided to return to Petrograd – as he hopes it will calm the situation. His train is intercepted by anti-Tsar protestors and he finally decides to abdicate. 2 March – Tsar Nicholas II officially abdicates in favour of his brother but his brother turns down the throne – The Romanov dynasty is over!!!

  7. 3 March – The Provisional Committee supported by the Petrograd Soviet announced to the world that a revolution had occurred and that the Tsar had abdicated. Russia was now to be ruled by the Dual Authority – Centuries of Tsarist rule were over!!!!! Kerensky (centre in white) A meeting at the Soviet

  8. Was the February Revolution an ‘overthrow from without or a collapse from within’?

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