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The world is changing. Are we ready? Japan China India ⅔ of W orld P opulation By 2008 … Indonesia Australia 2 2007-08 kindergartners will graduate in 2020… 2005 = more school kids than seniors 2020 = more seniors than school kids If We Do Nothing, Our Educational Gaps Will Grow
The world is changing. Are we ready? Japan China India ⅔ of World Population By 2008 … Indonesia Australia 2
2007-08 kindergartners will graduate in 2020… 2005 = more school kids than seniors 2020 = more seniors than school kids
Relative standing of the US in PISA(2000: 27 OECD countries, 2003: 29 countries, 2006: 30 OECD countries) OECD (2007), PISA 2006 – Science Competencies for Tomorrow’s World, Figures 2.11c, 2.14e, 6.8b, 6.20b
Another Educational Gap Percent of 8th graders with the highest math scores who go on to complete a bachelors degree SES: Socioeconomic Status Source: College Board, 2005 10
ACT 2008 & College ReadinessMinnesota MN U.S. Average composite score 22.6 21.1 % of test takers meeting or 32 22 exceeding ACT college readiness benchmarks * % of high school graduates tested 70 43 *% of test takers met the ACT-established college readiness benchmark scores for all four subjects tested: English (18), math (22), reading (21), and science (24). Source: ACT College Readiness Report, 2007 Source: EPE Research Center, 2007
So how do we produce dramatic gains in high school outcomes? • Rigor? • Relevance? • Relationships? • Results? …But these are roads, not a destination.
Requirements for iron workers: Recommended high school courses include Algebra, Geometry and Physics. Requirements for electricians: Recommended high school courses include Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Physics. Requirements for sheet metal workers: Four or five years of apprenticeship Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and technical reading Requirements for draftsmen: Recommended high school courses include Geometry and Trigonometry. Draftsmen may wish to seek additional study in mathematics and computer-aided design to keep up with technological progress within the industry. Sources: American Diploma Project, 2002; The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) http://www.agc.org/page.ww?section=About+AGC&name=About+AGC.
Is 4-Year College the Goal? • Biggest economic benefits from completing college • ACT and other studies find college and work readiness standards are the same in reading and math • Bridge to Higher Learning concludes: prepare every student so he or she can consider all postsecondary options as a high school senior
The Economic Argument:Impact of 5% Increase in Male High School Graduation Rates on Crime Reduction and Earnings Minnesota Annual Crime Related Savings: $30,608,540 Additional Annual Earnings: $47,171,157 Total Benefit to State Economy: $77,779,698
The Economic Argumentcontinued… If the students who dropped out of the class of 2007 had graduated, their additional lifetime income would total: Minnesota $3,862,422,720 United States $328,904,058,340 Source: Alliance for Excellent Education, Issue Brief, October 2007
What Does the Research Say It Will Take? • Align secondary and postsecondary education with an emphasis on academic rigor for all • Course taking – advanced courses • Course content – rigor in all classes • Send the right signals about college • Provide high support to help students meet high challenge • Lessen real and perceived financial barriers • Postsecondary counseling for all • Provide better admissions and financial info to students and parents • Engage families in developing aspirations and plans
High school teachers focus on…. …idea development in writing ….advanced math content ……science content And decrease focus on reading strategies after 9th grade Source: 2005-06 ACT National Curriculum Survey Postsecondary instructors focus on…. …writing mechanics developing a more rigorous understanding of math fundamentals …scientific process and inquiry skills And increase focus on reading strategies with complex text Are we aligned?
And so the question before us:How can we build a bridge to higher learning for all students?
Discussion Questions What does our school believe, and what is the evidence (statements, # participants in advanced classes, student success)? How are these beliefs communicated, where (e.g., in print, principal statements, teachers, in classroom), and how often? How are these beliefs communicated throughout district and to parents? Do we measure progress by success, not just completion of requirements? Sample Indicators Parent engagement Professional development for teachers and principals about college preparation Student surveys of expectations for postsecondary education, assistance from school, (also see Plans) Expectations: The school believes and explicitly states that all students are expected to succeed in postsecondary education.
Discussion Questions Are course offerings and classroom work tied to professional and state standards (e.g., NCLB, MCA), and to 21st century skills? How do students show mastery of creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration? Do we agree on definitions of creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration? Do our assessments and course content incorporate creativity, critical thinking and collaboration? What’s the evidence, particularly in the classroom? Sample Indicators Quality teaching Cultural competency of staff and students Racial diversity of staff Knowledge and Skills: All students go beyond the basics to master ‘21st Century Skills’ of critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.
Discussion Questions What percentage of students are taking advanced classes, particularly in math and writing? Are current course and graduation requirements high enough to prepare all students for postsecondary education? What is the level of rigor in all classes – not just AP/IB? How many students are taking 4x4 core curriculum? What is the rigor within the core English/math/science/social studies curriculum? Sample Indicators Availability of challenging courses Successful services (safety nets) Remediation needed in high school and postsecondary education Rigor: Every student completes a core curriculum that prepares him or her for postsecondary education.
Discussion Questions Look at relevance of courses – why do we offer what we offer? Does course content connect to a future students can envision, including relevance of post-secondary education? Can students verbalize learning? 5 Y’s (ask why five times) Is there an opportunity for service learning/community engagement projects? Sample Indicators Class size Graduation rate Career education Relevance: Classes are clearly connected to the positive futures that students envision for themselves after high school.
Discussion Questions Can students identify all teachers’ names? and vice versa? Do students have trust in at least one adult? And what evidence do we have of that? Why are some students lost? Are there student support teams? Is there evidence of interest in college across the student body? Can we build college interest within and across peer groups? Sample Indicators Attendance Participation in co- and Extracurricular Activities Behavioral referrals Relationships: Every student develops a relationship with at least one adult mentor and is part of a peer group that values academic success.
Discussion Questions Do we explain the mutual benefits of education? What partnerships exist? And what types - financial, volunteers, etc. Are they reciprocal – do students give back? What’s missing? Are there systems to communicate needs, connections? Have we explored all potential partners – students, families, businesses that could meet school needs? Does school or district provide assistance in managing partnerships? Sample Indicators Number of partnerships Student service activities Partnerships: Partnerships with postsecondary institutions, community organizations, and other weave a web of support.
Discussion Questions Is there evidence of college planning before high school? Who’s involved in making educational plans, and adjusting them? When is college planning addressed? Is college part of routine discussions? Sample Indicators Use of formal college planning tool (Ramp-Up to Readiness, 6 Year Plan, My Life Plan, etc.) College applications submitted Actual college enrollment (Also see Expectations) Plans: Students develop and act upon postsecondary plans that give direction and motivation to their high school careers.
Discussion Questions Do we know Accuplacer/IB/AP results? Do our assessments address 21st century knowledge and skills? Do we offer and use results from EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT, etc.? Do we connect students to results, and provide guidance? Sample Indicators Use of Explore /PLAN /ACT /PSAT /SAT/Accuplacer ‘College Ready’ on all four ACT tests Gaps in measured achievement of students Student achievement on state, national and international tests GPA/course failures Assessments: Tests measure the knowledge and skills need for postsecondary admission and graduation.
Discussion Questions Are guidance and support staff in place? What are student-counselor ratios? What are counselor’s duties? Can they be shifted to permit more time counseling? Do we have plans to address any gaps we identify? What is the evidence of successful guidance? What do students say? Sample Indicators Mentors (academic advisors) for every student Guidance Counselors to student ratio Guidance: Students received sustained support from counselors, advisors, and mentors
Discussion Questions Is senior year a meaningful bridge to college? Do we have requirements for senior year, such as courses, final projects? If a student finishes the core requirements, should we hold that student in high school? What do students say about how to make it vital? Do we conduct, and what do we learn from, exit interviews – of students and parents? Do we ask who or what was of most assistance? Who do students trust? What more could we do? Sample Indicators Specific expectations for senior year Student surveys, including post-graduation and after college enrollment, whether they feel prepared Senior Year: Students maintain academic momentum and hit the ground running in higher education the following fall.