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Are you protecting your blog? Do you feel safe from hacking or identity theft? In this post, I will share tips for minimizing your vulnerability.
How to Protect Your Blog and Digital Empire WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Protect Your Email Biggest point of weakness Can be used to retrieve most other passwords Use Gmail Never download anything if you don’t know what it is (Doublecheck extension -- i.e. JPG, PNG, MP3, etc) WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Turn on 2-factor (2- step) authentication www.twofactorauth.org Use Authy to generate tokens WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Use a Password Manager Create a strong master password that you won’t forget Create unique, strong passwords for every service Install on all your devices Change your passwords regularly (i.e. every 3 months) Examples: * * * * WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
NEVER store passwords in browser Disable auto-filling and saving WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Never send sensitive information via email or text Use www.onetimesecret.com WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Create unique accounts Do not use FB to log into other sites WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Keep everything updated WordPress (site, plugins and themes) Any apps you use Operating System UPDATE WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Have a strong backup system First place to check: Your hosting company WordPress specific backups: WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
Get Insurance Liability Insurance Protects you in the case of a lawsuit Property Insurance Protects your property and equipment WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM
10 Miscellaneous Use “WordFence Security” plugin for WordPress Use MacID (Mac only) WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM