¿Qué se dice en las siguientes situaciones? Haz clic para ver la respuesta. Im Kindergarten ankommen. /Al llegar a la guardería.Was sagt man? /¿Qué se dice? GutenMorgen! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Ins Bettgehen. Was sagt man? Al irse a la cama. ¿Qué se dice? GuteNacht! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Jemandkommt. Was sagt man? Alguienllega. ¿Qué se dice? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Anne frühstuckt und Winniekommt. / Anne desayuna y llegaWinnie.Was sagt man? GutenMorgen! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Mama isst Abendessen. Papa kommt.Was sagt man? GutenAbend! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
ZweiMännertreffensichim Restaurant. EsistMittags. Dos hombres se encuentran en un restaurante. Esmediodía.Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Du triffst Emma auf demSpielplatz, um 16:00 Uhr. Teencuentras a Emma en el parque, a las 16:00.Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Jemandklingelt. EsistMittags. /Llaman a la puerta. Esmediodía.Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Brita kommtvomBüro. /Brita llega de la oficina.Was sagt man? GutenAbend! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Das Kind trifft seine Freunde. / El niño se encuentra con sus amigos.Was sagt man? Hallo! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? Hallo! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenAbend! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GuteNacht! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? Hallo! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenMorgen! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenAbend! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenAbend! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenTag! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).
Was sagt man? GutenAbend! Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com). Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor (http://www.cadkas.com).