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PRUEBA DE UBICACION PARA HISPANOHABLANTES. MULTIPLE CHOICE: go to the following link: http ://www.quia.com/quiz/4218438.html Please make sure you write your first and last name. The code to access the answer sheet is mspt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRUEBA DE UBICACION PARA HISPANOHABLANTES MULTIPLE CHOICE: go to the following link: http://www.quia.com/quiz/4218438.html Please make sure you write your first and last name. The code to access the answer sheet is mspt You may take the test only once, so make sure that you do not click “done” until you have completed the test. The test has a running count of test questions written in a blue task bar across the top of the test to let you know how many more questions you need to answer. Make sure that you do not confuse that with the test number. You can navigate back and forth if you get confused as long as you have not exited the test. Before exiting, you will enter your school name and grade level. Please enter the current year grade level.

  2. PRUEBA DE UBICACION PARA HISPANOHABLANTES Subprueba E. Comprension del españolhablado Click on Audacity To start recording click on the red dot To stop recording click on the brown square To listen to your recording click on the green arrow.

  3. PRUEBA DE UBICACION PARA HISPANOHABLANTES Subprueba E. Comprension del españolhablado To save your recording click on file – (top on the left) – double click on Export as WAV – Desktop - File name is your last name,your name.wav Example: rice,alba.wav

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