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10 Tips For Raising An Easily Distracted Child

Many parents are concerned about their childrenu2019s ability to stay focused. And nowadays, thatu2019s understandable: we live in a world where our attention is constantly being pulled in multiple directions. Technology has made it possible for us to be distracted by stimuli wherever we go, from the phone in our pocket to the video game system in our living room. But some parents worry that this is more than just an issue of modern lifeu2014that their child has an attention problem that canu2019t be fixed with a few parental interventions or technological fixes.

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10 Tips For Raising An Easily Distracted Child

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  1.     MEET KAMI C ONTAC T ME DISC LOSUR E | PR IVAC Y POLIC Y HOME LIFEST Y LE FAMILY R ESOUR C ES SHOP You are here: Home / Family / Parenting + Kids / 10 Tips For Raising An Easily Distracted Child SEARCH THIS SITE… FAMILY, PARENTING + KIDS · MARCH 5, 2023 10 Tips For Raising An Easily Distracted Child  Looking for something? 10 Tips For Raising An Easily Distracted Child HI THERE, WEL COME Many parents are concerned about their children’s ability to stay focused. And nowadays, that’s I'm Kami and this understandable: we live in a world where our attention is constantly being pulled in multiple directions. is Life with Kami. Technology has made it possible for us to be distracted by stimuli wherever we go, from the phone in our As a stay-at- pocket to the video game system in our living room. But some parents worry that this is more than just an home mom of issue of modern life—that their child has an attention problem that can’t be fixed with a few parental three wonderful interventions or technological fixes. kids, I know the struggles of managing a household. It brings me However, there’s no reason for concern! Many experts agree that there are ways to help children focus better joy to share resources and tips with than ever. other moms to make their day to day RELATED: 20 TIPS TO HELP YOUR CHILD WITH A SMOOTH BACK-TO-SCHOOL TRANSITION life easier. Here at LWK you’ll find printables, recipes, DIY projects, discounts, and more mom friendly RELATED: 5 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO CREATE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY MEMORY WITH YOUR KIDS posts! L ET’S BE FRIENDS TRENDING

  2.     MEET KAMI C ONTAC T ME DISC LOSUR E | PR IVAC Y POLIC Y Recipes Crispy Air Fryer Chickpeas (Garbanzo) Recipes Christmas Madeleines THIS … 10 TIPS ON RAISING FOR EASILY DISTRACTED CHILD 1. Use Movement to Your Advantage #GirlBoss, At Home, Family, Lifestyle The next time your child is being difficult, or you see them having difficulty focusing, try to use movement to 5 Things Every Girl Needs In Her Life your advantage. Movement can help your child focus and learn better by de-stressing them and helping them relax. It can also help them sleep better at night and take a break from the day’s activities to refocus on what they need to accomplish. 2. Be Aware of Sensory Issues Sensory issues can make focusing difficult for kids. So it’s essential to be aware of sensory issues and what you can do to help your child cope with them. If your child is easily distracted in a noisy environment, consider whether they might be bothered by sounds outside their comfort zone. If so, try using noise-canceling headphones when appropriate (such as during homework) or setting up a small speaker system where they can listen to music independently while focusing on schoolwork or chores. At Home Another way to help children focus is by providing them with quiet spaces where they can go if their DIY Memory Keepsake Ornament surroundings become too distracting. A quiet corner at home with some pillows and blankets, so they have somewhere comfortable (and dark) to go when they need it most. A reading nook at school with soft lighting and beanbag chairs. This guide isn’t all-inclusive—we recommend further research into sensory processing disorder (SPD), which may be causing your child’s distraction problems! 3. Routine Is Crucial It’s important to note that routine is especially crucial for children with ADHD. A child with the disorder needs to know what to expect and when, so they can focus on their tasks. Routine also helps children with ADHD feel secure, safe, and comfortable. Family, Parenting + Kids

  3. 4. Try to Limit Overstimulation, but Don’t Worry About Making Everything Perfectly Quiet and Calm 101 Pretty And Unique Girl Names      MEET KAMI C ONTAC T ME DISC LOSUR E | PR IVAC Y POLIC Y One of the things you’ll want to limit is overstimulation. This can be a problem for kids with ADD/ADHD. They may get distracted by all the noise and activity around them and not pay attention to what they should do. It can also cause frustration and anger because it’s hard for children with ADD/ADHD to focus when there’s so much going on around them. Try not to worry about making everything perfectly quiet and calm; it’s normal for kids with ADD/ADHD to have trouble paying attention in noisy situations, so you don’t need a tranquil environment or one that’s completely still. 5. Keep Things Organized (But Not Too Organized) While you want to keep a routine and rules in place, it’s also important to remember that your child has his personality. If there are certain routines he doesn’t like, don’t force him into them. For example, if he hates doing chores and would instead be playing video games all day, then let him play video games all day long! Ensure there are consequences for not following through with expectations or commitments made by other family members or friends. Don’t be so strict about the schedule—your child will eventually want to do his own thing anyway! Letting him decide what activities he wants to engage in can help build independence and self-esteem because it gives him control over his life (which is vital in helping kids develop as adults). Also, keep an eye out for signs of anxiety regarding scheduling. Sometimes, having too many activities scheduled at once can overwhelm kids, leading them to unhealthy habits like drug use or binge eating/not eating at all! 6. Break Lessons Down Into Small, Manageable Steps As you begin to notice your child’s attention wandering, you must acknowledge the behavior, redirect their focus, and take steps to help them stay focused in the future. One way to do this is by breaking lessons down into small, manageable steps. Break down lessons into smaller pieces. If a lesson seems too lengthy or complex for your child’s current level of understanding (for example, ten math problems), break it down into smaller tasks that are more easily achievable (1 or 2 math problems). Make sure each step is something they can do successfully on their own. For example: if your goal was ten math problems, but one of those 10 was an advanced algebra problem, and another two were multiplication tables that were beyond your child’s current skill set, then breaking the task down into five manageable parts will still get them closer towards completing all ten without feeling overwhelmed or failing at any point along the way! Use visual cues like pictures or diagrams to help keep track of progress and ensure each step is done correctly before moving on from one section/step until all tasks have been completed successfully! You may also want to consider using timers if necessary, so no time gets wasted while waiting for something else besides working on what needs to be done right now–like maybe eating lunch? 7. Turn Tasks Into Games and Make Them Fun When Possible Games can be a great way to help children learn and practice new skills, but they also have fun. This is one of my favorite strategies for working with highly distractible kids: finding ways to turn tasks into games will help your child relax and focus more easily. Here are some examples: Give each child their own set of dice they roll whenever they need to take action in the game (such as rolling two 2’s on the dice when they want their character to move). Have your child create a “treasure map” by drawing out where different objects are located in your house or backyard. As you’re walking around on treasure hunt missions, remind them which direction they need to go next based on what is written on their map (for example: “You should go north now”). This helps keep things interesting while also keeping them focused!

  4. 8. Remember That Attention Spans Vary Depending on Age, so be Realistic About What You Can Expect From Your Child      MEET KAMI C ONTAC T ME DISC LOSUR E | PR IVAC Y POLIC Y You’ll find that your child’s attention span will vary depending on age and other factors. For example, a two- year-old might be able to focus for only a few seconds before needing a break. On the other hand, an eight- year-old may be able to focus for five minutes but still needs regular intervals from the task at hand. As your children get older and their brains develop further, they’ll learn to concentrate better for extended periods. This is why it’s important not to compare your kids’ attention spans with those of other kids their age; instead, focus on what works best for each child individually. Keep in mind that many factors influence attention span, including: The interest level in the activity itself (the more exciting or fun something is, the better) Motivation levels (the more motivated someone is about doing an activity or task at hand) Energy levels (the amount of energy available at any given moment) 9. Set Aside Time for Your Child to Relax, Have Fun, and Let Their Mind Wander You want your child to engage in learning thoroughly, so you’re constantly trying to engage them. But it’s important for your kid not to feel like everything is work. Set aside time for your child to relax and let her mind wander—maybe even 20 minutes daily. Let her play or enjoy being a kid. If she needs alone time, let her have it! Your child will be more motivated when he doesn’t feel pressured by how much work he has left undone. 10. Introduce New Things Slowly and Give a lot of Positive Encouragement Along the Way Introduce new things slowly and give a lot of positive encouragement along the way. Don’t expect too much too soon. Don’t give up! Don’t worry about making everything perfect, quiet, calm, or organized. The key to raising a focused child is realizing everyone’s attention span is different and learning how to work with that to set up a happy learning environment. Here are some tips for getting on the right track: Don’t be afraid to try new things. The best way for you and your child to know what works best for you is by trying different activities. Your child might do better in an environment without too many distractions, or maybe he thrives when other children can help him stay on task. However it works out, keep trying until you find the best method for him (and remember that this may change as he grows older). Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed! Whether asking another parent or family member how they taught their kids how to focus or finding resources online about teaching skills like concentration and self-discipline in young children (or even just watching videos together). It’s important not only that we let go of our fear of failure and embrace our strengths as parents but also that we grasp the idea that it’s okay if we need outside assistance at times. We hope these tips were helpful to you. Remember that your child is unique, and there are no hard-and-fast rules about what works best—you know her best! We want to give you some ideas that might help make learning fun for your child. The most important thing is to find a balance between structure and freedom to feel safe, happy, and confident in herself as she explores new things.

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