An overview Elizabeth Younger ED403
What is Blended Learning (BL) • Combines benefits of traditional technology of online learning with accessibility of working with teachers face to face… • Leverages digital contact to provide students with skills of practice.. • Lessons set at students pace. Elizabeth Younger ED403
Categories of Blended learning • BL can be categorized according to the variables of ; • Location ( where it occurs) • Media ( type of medium used ) • Separation (geographic separation between learner & teacher) • Synchronicity (synchronous/asynchronous) Elizabeth Younger ED403
Benefits of Blended Learning • Students : - Real time Feedback - More engaged and interactive with peers & teacher. - Controlled pace of learning - Unleashes learning velocity. Elizabeth Younger ED403
Benefits of Blended Learning • Teachers - More time to interact with students - Interactive Class sessions - Improved student engagement - Easier to plan lessons - Flexible Hours - More Rewarding. Elizabeth Younger ED403
“ Blended learning offers improved pedagogy, increased access to knowledge, and fostered social interaction between learners. Easy use of multiple modalities in blended learning approach provides better support for different learning styles among students” (Ayala 2009, Osguthorpe and Graham 2003) Elizabeth Younger ED403
References • Ian Robertson: Models of Blended Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-RM33_BzSM Elizabeth Younger ED403