From Searching To Buying A House Buying a house is one of the most important financial decisions made in a lifetime. Here are steps to invest in a residential property. Set Your Requirements It is the first step in the process of buying a home. Make a checklist of your requirements and know your budget. Pre-approval Pre-approval for a mortgage is an essential step as it helps you to determine your borrowing capacity and lets you filter properties that fit your pocket. Hire A Real-estate Agent An agent will let you know about properties that fit your requirements. They will also tell you about legalities involved in the deal. . Shortlist A Property Choose a property after thoroughly checking details of the property. Make it a point to visit the property and neighborhood before shortlisting it. Home Inspection After shortlisting, ask your agent for a thorough home inspection to check for any major faults in the property. Apply For Mortgage Opt for an appropriate mortgage. The mortgage lender may schedule a home appraisal. MORTGAGE $ 250.00 Closing Once you are approved for mortgage, make required payments and sign the papers on closing date set by the mortgage lender. Read the papers thoroughly before signing. www.linnemannrealty.com Linnemann Realty 3402 South W.S. Young Dr. Killeen, TX 76542 Phone : (254) 628 - 9272 Image Source: Designed by Freepik