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The colombian situation: we´ve hope

The colombian situation: we´ve hope. Pablo Moreno. ¿Where´s COLOMBIA?. Geographical Situation. Colombia is a country of 44 millions inhabitants Bogotá is capital city and have some urbans centers like Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena y Bucaramanga.

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The colombian situation: we´ve hope

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  1. The colombian situation: we´ve hope Pablo Moreno

  2. ¿Where´s COLOMBIA?

  3. Geographical Situation • Colombia is a country of 44 millions inhabitants • Bogotá is capital city and have some urbans centers like Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena y Bucaramanga. • Colombia is northeast of Sout America and his frontiers are Venezuela, Océano Atlántico o Mar Caribe, Panamá, Océano Pacífico, Ecuador, Perú y Brasil.

  4. COLOMBIA and his neighbors

  5. Colombia in century XIX • Colombia begun like republic in 1810 after independence wars. • During century XIX were civil wars from 1854 to 1903 betwen conservatives and liberals. • The end of century XIX Colombia suffer the conflict more large “The war of onethousend days” and lost Panamá. • In 1886 begun the Constitution for more than 100 years and the Concordat with the Catholic Church.

  6. Colombia in the twehtieth • In this century Colombia won stability and a take off economic across cicles of cocoa, flowers, golden, coffe, carbon and banana. • In the beginnings of the century the conservatives ruled in Colombia. In 1930 the liberal party won the elections and ruled for 15 years. • In this period changed the Constitution and Concordat producing a reaction in conservatives.

  7. Jorge Eliécer Gaitán • The liberal partywasdividedto electoral period in 1945, in consequencelostthepresidential. • Gaitanwas a leader charismatic and promotethe social and moral reformtothepolitics. • Gaitanwasmurdered in 1948 and beguntheviolence in allover country. • Thisviolencegeneratedtwentythousanddeadduringtwelveyears.

  8. The violence in the 50s • In 1953 come to an agreement for peace from leaders of conservative and liberal party. • But in the rural zones some liberals and conservatives groups continued struggle for the earth, many families were strip of his property.

  9. Co-goverment • During the 50s conservatives had the political power but sustaining with support of dictator Rojas Pinilla. • In 1957 Rojas was removed and the parties proposal the co-goverment each 4 years. • Rojas Pinilla launch out to election in 1970 and won but the electoral system no acepted this results.

  10. Guerrillas • After the elections in 1970 arisen M-19 urban nationalist movement . • In 1964 emerged FARC from liberals guerrilla • In 1965 emerged ELN from cuban inspiration, in this group was militant Camilo Torres Restrepo. • Since emerged others minors groups like EPL, Quintin Lame, PRT, Ricardo Franco.

  11. Thedruggstrafic • In the 80s emerged thebusiness of thedruggs. • Thisproblemaffectedallsphere of thecolombianlife. • Thepolitics, onthejustice and executivepower. • In the rural zonesthisbusinessinfluenciedtogroupslikeranchers, farmers and guerrillas. • Theranchers and thefarmersagreewithestablishparamilitarygroups.

  12. Paramilitarygroups • Theparamilitariesweresupportingforpoliticalleaders and membersfromthearmy. • PopulationMassacre in some places weresupportwithmembers of thearmylikeaccomplice. Thiseventshappened in the 80s and 90s buttodaytheJusticeyetnotresolvethisprocess. • Thisgroupsattackingdemocraticsexpresions in thecitylikePatrioticUnion, Democratic Alliance and othergroups emerged fromthepeacedialogs and agreementfordemobilization.

  13. The new Constituition • The crisis in the 80s for militar offensivefromtraffic of druggs and the extraditable like Escobar, Gacha and Santacruz. • Theassassinate of thecandidatestopresidentlike Galán, Jaramillo Ossa and Pizarro. • TheresultwasthecalledtoConstituentAssemble in 1991. • The new Constitutionopenedparticipation in politicaltominoritieslikeprotestants, indigenous, afrodescendent, etc • The FARC no participed in thisevent. • The extraditable hadinfluence in someparticipants.

  14. The 90s • Duringthisdecadethetraditionalpoliticalruledtothe country. • Theparamilitarygroupscontinued in growth and guerrillas like FARC and ELN disputedsomestrategicareas. • Thepeoplewere displaced tourbans centers abandoninghisproperties, family and thedead. • Thepresident Pastrana proposed dialogue with guerrilla of the FARC and offerclear up zone of thearmy.

  15. The 90s • This dialogue failurebecausetheguerrilagrowthhisactivitykidnappingpolitics, militaries, civil persons, etc. • Thegovermentneitherprovedresults in thenegotiationnordesmovilization of paramilitarygroups. • In thiscontextthepoliticalcampaignfromAlvaro Uribe wasmarkedforthemilitaryconfrontationwith guerrilla whomclasifiedliketerrorists.

  16. Colombian Plan • Thecolombian plan wasapplicatedforthelastpresidentswithsupportfrom USA. • This plan haveobjectivefightagainstnarcotraffic and terrorism, and his social componentisminimum. • Tehpresident Uribe proposed a agreementwithparamilitarygroups. • Thalaw of Justice and Peacepromisedtoparamilitariesdemobilization, no extradition and reparationtothevictimsafteradmitedtheculpability in massacres.

  17. Demobilization • This program failure because goverment accused to paramilitaries that continued in the criminality and not confessed all true. • The paramilitaries told to media that goverment not realized agreements. • The paramilitaries accused to members of the Congress like his colaboraters in campaign. • Other accusations emerged about the president.

  18. Thebaptists • The baptists arrived in Colombia en XIX century and 1942. • The baptistc share with the persecution in the 50s for religious causes. • The Colombian Evangelicals Confederation (CEDECOL) born in 1949 and his goal was advocate for religious liberty. • The baptists participed in this movement. • Today the baptists are members of CEDECOL

  19. Baptistsforthepeace • Thiscomissionwork in theformationwithpeacemaker. • Accompanimentto displaced people. • Promotion of smallprojectsforsurvival. • Orientationtochurchesabouttheconflict and politicalcontext in Colombia. • Participantsonlyevangelicals • Thisgroupsupportthework of somecommunities in displacementsituation. • Promotethepoliticalincidenceahead of churches and NGOsinternational. • Participants are catholics and evangelicals. TheReconciliation, Life and PeaceComission Ecumenical Network

  20. Baptistsforpeace • The Colombian baptist Convention aproved our participation in this organizations. • The Baptist Seminary is leader in this activities from 1990s especially with formation projects • The Baptist Seminary work in partnership with mennonites for the efforts to peace. • Baptist Seminary believe that theological formation should have focus in intercultural, interreligious and ecumenical dialogue.

  21. Ourneeds • Pray for us, pray for Colombia and pray for the end of the war no is too late. • Colombia have more than 4 millions of displaced people for the war. • The churches need ear and see the context with evangelical and political responsability. • The baptists are small group but are leader in colombian context, We need make used of influence for the peace.

  22. We´ve hope

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