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MODULE 31 Extremist in Correctional Institutions Hostage Situation

MODULE 31 Extremist in Correctional Institutions Hostage Situation. Extremist in Correctional Institutions Hostage Situation. A. Objective 1. 081: Describe techniques and procedures correctional employees should follow to prevent hostage situations.

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MODULE 31 Extremist in Correctional Institutions Hostage Situation

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  1. MODULE 31Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation

  2. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation A. Objective 1. 081: Describe techniques and procedures correctional employees should follow to prevent hostage situations.

  3. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 2. 179: Describe techniques and procedures correctional employees should follow to identify reasons for hostage taking.

  4. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 3. 180: Describe techniques and procedures correctional employees should follow and the consequences of being taken hostage.

  5. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 4. 181: Describe techniques and procedures correctional employees should follow regarding psychological and physical survival techniques for hostages.

  6. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation B. Definitions 1. Hostage - a person given as a pledge, or taken prisoner as by an enemy until certain conditions are met. 2. Hostage taker - a person who takes another person hostage by force.

  7. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation C. Types of Hostage Takers 1. Political 2. Criminal 3. Mentally ill or Emotional 4. Religious Fanatics

  8. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation D. Inmate Hostage Situations 1. Hostages are not taken to be killed 2. Reasons for taking hostages in a correctional institution a. Escape b. Power

  9. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation c. Settle grievances d. Death wish e. Discovered while a crime is in progress f. Over powering staff during a riot

  10. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation in progress. E. Staff Responses to a Hostage Situation 1. Notify any supervisor in the immediate area 2. Notify the shift commander.

  11. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 3. Act as normal as possible & evacuate the area. 4. Follow your departmental policy & procedure for hostage situations.

  12. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation F. Survivors Psychological & Physical Reactions to Being Taken Hostage 1. Keep the faith 2. Contain your hostilities 3. Maintain your superior attitude

  13. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 4. Fantasize to fill the hours 5. Rationalize your situation 6. Keep to your routine

  14. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 7. Control your outward appearance, do not show anger 8. Remain flexible & keep your sense of humor 9. Blend in with your peers

  15. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation G. Consequences to Being Taken Hostage 1. Feelings of abandonment 2. Acted out with aggression 3. Pitied themselves 4. Dwelled on their situation 5. Despaired

  16. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 6. Suspended their activities 7. Acted out of control 8. Their behavior was obsessive or compulsive 9. Stood out as being over-compliant or overly resistant

  17. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation H. Methods of Dealing With a Hostage Taking Situation 1. Negotiation 2. Show of force 3. Use of chemical agents

  18. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 4. Tactical operations a. Sniper fire b. An assault by the emergency response team / tactical team

  19. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation I. Four C’s of Hostage Negotiations 1. Contain a. Inner perimeter b. Outer perimeter

  20. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 2. Communicate a. Face to face b. Remote c. Third party negotiators

  21. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 3. Convince a. Use hooks b. Do not lie c. Do not promise anything that you cannot deliver

  22. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 4. Conclude a. Keep all of your promises b. Remember that it is not over, until it is over

  23. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation J. The Prevention of Hostage Situations 1. Follow the security procedures of your institution 2. Frequent unannounced shakedowns

  24. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 3. Careful surveillance a. Inspect the inmates visiting list b. Look for false I.D.s & disguises

  25. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 4. Frequent checks of housing, recreation & work areas 5. Correctional officer attitudes & behavior 6. Good communication with inmates

  26. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation a. Talk with disgruntled inmates b. Recognize & communicate signs of tension 7. Properly trained correctional personnel 8. Fair & impartial treatment of inmates 9. Productive inmate advisory council meetings

  27. Extremist in Correctional nstitutionsHostage Situation K. Items/Information Needed in Handling Hostage Situations 1. Manpower: a. Is there enough staff to handle the situation

  28. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 2. Communications a. Does the institution have the required equipment to handle each type of communication situation

  29. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 3. Training a. Does the institution have a well trained hostage team, including a hostage negotiator, a tactical team & any other specialist as needed

  30. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 4. Stress a. Has each member of the institution been trained in the proper stress management techniques

  31. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 5. Control a. Can the facility control the situation

  32. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 6. Equipment a. Is the institution equipped with the proper equipment to handle all situations, such as riot gear, chemical agents, radios, telephones & barricades etc.

  33. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 7. Access to a hostage negotiation team 8. First fifteen (15) minutes

  34. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation 9. Vital information a. Names of hostage takers b. Physical / mental conditions of hostage takers

  35. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation c. Location of hostage takers/hostages d. Telephone numbers e. Number of hostage takers/hostages f. Weapons involved g. Names of hostage

  36. Extremist in Correctional InstitutionsHostage Situation h. Hostage injuries medical condition 10. Demands

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