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In this slide presentation we're going to cover what I believe to be the 10 most important and notable benefits of the one meal per day diet. The slides are taken from a video presentation so the slides themselves are little "bare bones", so I have provided details for each slide in the notes below:<br><br>Slide 3 - "Forewarning"<br>Just like all things that are related to the subject of diet, there is no shortage of misunderstanding and information on the internet. And the One Meal A Day diet is no exception to the rule. Be mindful.<br><br>Slide 4: What is the one meal a day diet<br>In essence the one meal a day diet is a diet whereby you eat only once per day - one meal per day. In the one meal per day diet you will aim to eat all your daily calories in one meal.<br><br>Slide 6: Is it hard to eat one meal per day?<br>Yes and no. It depends on your own individual situation. Some find it easy and others find it hard. The typical experience is that once you have done it for a while it becomes not only easy, but preferable. Especially once you experience the benefits of eating only one meal a day.<br><br>The Benefits of eating only one meal per day are:<br><br>1. You'll burn fat fast, due to the process of Ketosis where by after the body has burned through the stored glucose from the day before it will begin to burn excessive/superfluous body fat as a source of energy.<br><br>2. After a period of fasting your body will enter into a natural detoxing phase called Autophagy wherein the body 'self eats' and replaces dead/old/damaged cells with new and healthy ones. Over prolonged periods your cellular/biological age reduces.<br><br>3. Due to the reduced cellular age and slowing down of overall aging process your expected lifespan increases. The exact amount by which your age increases is dependent on your own individual situation.<br><br>4, Due to the boosted HGH (human growth hormone) levels your muscles will recover faster and stronger from strenuous activity, e.g. gym workouts. The result of this is rapid muscular development especially for men.<br><br>5. The process of glycation is where glucose particles attach to proteins and renders them dysfunctional (useless). These particles are called AGEs (Advanced Glycative End-Products). AGEs accumulate in the body and cause disease such as cancer and neurological degenerative disease like Alezheimer's and Parkinson's. Fasting throughout the day releases heightened levels of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) which remove glucose from ciculation and thereby reduces glycation. FGF21 is also one of the only ways the body can effectively remove AGEs out of its system.<br><br>6. Human Growth Hormones play another role in the body and that is to maintain hygiene in the brain and restore proper cognitive and neurological function. HGH levels will increase by as much as 2300% after 23 hours of fasting, which is exactly the time period of the one-meal-a-day fast. People who are on the one meal a day diet experience significant mental clarity during the fasting period which enables them to think clearer and enables greater performance.<br><br>7. Because of the overall detoxing brought on by the increased HGH and FGF21 levels, and the Autophagy processes, the body becomes cleaner and less at risk of disease. In fact, the One Meal A Day diet has been shown to reduce disease and even reverse many diseases that were previously believed to be "incurable", including Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and cancer of various sorts.<br><br>8. The improved overall cellular age and hygiene, as well as greater levels of vitality and health, bolsters and boosts the body's natural immune functions.<br><br>9. Those on the One Meal A Day diet experience significant time savings by 1.5-2 hours a day on average. More time to complete important work or spend time doing what you enjoy.<br><br>10. Contrary to old beliefs, eating one meal a day provides your body with significantly more energy. This is so largely for two reasons: Your body is not needing to expel excessive energy on constant digestion of food (a lengthy and laborious bodily activity), and secondly; Your body will begin to operate comfortably on ketones (fat turned into energy) instead of sugar. Ketones are a much more effective and efficient energy source compared to sugar, and the side effect of running on ketones is rapid weight loss.<br><br>There is a long list of benefits of the one meal a day diet, too many to mention here.<br><br>For more information head over to: https://amenradiet.com/one-meal-a-day/
10 Benefits Of Eating One Meal A Day Logan Merrick AmenRaDiet.com
Forewarning; AmenRaDiet.com
What is the One Meal a Day diet? (OMAD) AmenRaDiet.com
The one meal per day diet is a diet that requires the person to eat all their daily caloric requirements in one meal, typically at the end of the day. AmenRaDiet.com
Is it hard to only eat one meal a day?; AmenRaDiet.com
a. Emotional food dependencies AmenRaDiet.com
b. One BIG meal per day 1x Amen Aliksar shake (250 cal) 1x tbsp flaxseed oil + 1x tbsp hemp oil 2x veg burgers 1x large chips 1x bowl of cereal 1x avocado AmenRaDiet.com
10 Benefits of OMAD: AmenRaDiet.com
#1. Burn fat, fast. AmenRaDiet.com
#2. Clean out and replace old/damaged cells with new healthy cells. AmenRaDiet.com
#3. Increase lifespan. AmenRaDiet.com
#4. Muscular development (Increased HGH) AmenRaDiet.com
#5. Reduced glycation. AmenRaDiet.com
#6. Improved cognitive function. AmenRaDiet.com
#7. Reduced risk of disease. AmenRaDiet.com
#7. Reduced risk of disease; • Diabetes. • Dementia (Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s). • And Cancer. • Just to name a few... AmenRaDiet.com
#8. Improved immune function. AmenRaDiet.com
#9. More time in the day. AmenRaDiet.com
#10. More energy. AmenRaDiet.com
Other benefits include; • Reduced oxidative stress. • Improved cardiovascular health. • Lowered cholesterol levels. • Lowered triglyceride levels. • Regularised heart pressure. • Improved cognitive function. • Improved insulin sensitivity. • Reduce tumour growth. • Improved asthma conditions. • Improvements in autoimmune disease. • Improvements in osteoarthritis. • Improvements in infectious diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal origin. • Improvement in Tourette’s disease. • Improvement in Meniere’s disease. • And many, many more… AmenRaDiet.com
What can you eat? AmenRaDiet.com
High nutritional content. AmenRaDiet.com
High caloric content. AmenRaDiet.com
Vegan / vegetarian. (Ideally) AmenRaDiet.com
Risks of eating one meal a day; AmenRaDiet.com
Fabricated risks; • Brain fog • Shakiness • Binge eating • Extreme hunger • Brain fog • Shakiness • Binge eating • Extreme hunger AmenRaDiet.com
Real risk; (Emotional food dependencies) AmenRaDiet.com
What’s the best way to break the fast? AmenRaDiet.com
Amino drink; • 12 essential amino acids • Multivitamin / multimineral • Protein powder • Brewers yeast • Psyllium • Spirulina • Bromelain • Pure cacao AmenRaDiet.com
Amino drink; Add; • Potassium • Magnesium • Probiotic • Prebiotic • Vitamin E oil • Flaxseed & hemp seed oil • Colloidal minerals AmenRaDiet.com