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LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE. LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE. EDUCATOR GUIDE Let’s Dance. Workshop Overview. Here’s a suggested agenda for a one-hour workshop:. With this guide, you can plan and lead a one-hour workshop using Scratch.
LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE EDUCATORGUIDE Let’sDance WorkshopOverview Here’s a suggested agenda fora one-hourworkshop: With this guide, you can plan andlead a one-hour workshop usingScratch. Participants will create an animated dance scene, combining music and dancemoves. First, gather as a groupto introduce the theme and sparkideas. IMAGINE 10minutes Next, help participants as they create danceprojects, working at their ownpace. CREATE 40minutes At the end of thesession, gather together to share andreflect. SHARE 10minutes 1 2 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE Imagine Get Ready for theWorkshop IMAGINE Begin by gathering the participants tointroduce the theme and spark ideas forprojects. Use this checklist to prepare for theworkshop. Preview theTutorial The Let’s Dance tutorial shows participants how to create their own projects. Previewthe tutorial before your workshop and try thefirst fewsteps: scratch.mit.edu/dance Warm-up Activity: Share a DanceMove Put on music with a beat, and bring the group together in a circle. Do a dance move while you say your first name to the beat of the music. Then ask the group to copy what you did. Go around the circle taking turns, with each person saying their name and doing a move for others torepeat. Print the ActivityCards Print a few sets of Let’s Dance cardsto have available for participants during the workshop. scratch.mit.edu/dance/cards Spark Ideas andInspiration Show the introductory video for the Let’s Dance tutorial. The video shows a variety of projects for ideas andinspiration. Make sure participants have Scratchaccounts Participants can sign up for their own Scratch accounts at scratch.mit.edu, or you can set up student accounts if you have a Teacher Account. To request a Teacher Account, go to: scratch.mit.edu/educators Set up a studio for project sharing onScratch Set up a studio so participants will be able to add theirprojects. Go to your My Stuff page, then click the + New Studio button. Type in a name for the studio (such as ‘Our DanceProjects’). View at scratch.mit.edu/dance or vimeo.com/llk/dance Check sound on computers orlaptops Check to make sure that the sound outputis working on the computers orlaptops. 3 4 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE Create Support participants as they makedance projects, on their own or inpairs. Demonstrate the FirstSteps CREATE IMAGINE Demonstrate the first few steps of thetutorial so participants can see how to getstarted. Start withPrompts Ask participants questions to getstarted Add a dancer fromthe Spritelibrary. Go to Scratch to create anew project. Choose abackdrop. Where will theydance? Which dancerwill youchoose? ProvideResources Offer options for gettingstarted Add music from the Soundlibrary. Code a dancesequence. Some participants maywant to follow the online tutorial: scratch.mit.edu/dance Others may want to explore using the activity cards: scratch.mit.edu/dance/cards Suggest Ideas forStarting • Choose dance movesby switchingcostumes • Code a dancesequence • Choose abackdrop • Add adancer • Addmusic 5 6 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE LET’S DANCE / EDUCATOR GUIDE Share Help the participants add their projects to a shared studio in Scratch. Give them a link to the studio. Then they can click ‘AddProjects’ at the bottom of thepage. SHARE CREATE More Things toTry • Add a repeatloop • Adjust the timing to sync the dance with themusic • Add moredancers • Changebackdrops • Add colors andeffects Ask for volunteers to show their project tothe group. Everyone can dancealong! Add Your Own DanceMoves • If you have time, here’s a wayto personalize yourproject: • Find a solid color wall that iswell-lit • Take photos of yourself doing different dancemoves • Import the photos as costumesinto Scratch • Use the magic wand toremove the background, see http://bit.ly/scratchmagicwand What’sNext? Participants can use the ideas from this workshop to create a variety of dance projects. Here are a couple of different approaches: Where Will youDance? Take a photograph of a park or other favorite place, import it into Scratch and use it as a backdrop for adance animation. Prepare toShare To add instructions andcredits to a project, click the button: “See projectpage”. Pass It On: DanceTogether Give each person 5 minutes to start a dance project. Then, have them switch to the next computer and add adancer. Keep switching, adding a dancer toeach. Then let participants return to see (and finish) the project they originallystarted. This video shows how to sharea project on the Scratch website: vimeo.com/llk/share Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT MediaLab. 7 8 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go