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Learning styles

Learning styles. Information found from http://www.k12.wa.us/SecondaryEducation/CareerCollegeReadiness/Curriculum/NavGr10LessonsRGRev-04-09.pdf. 3 learning styles. Visual learners Auditory learners Kinesthetic learners

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Learning styles

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  1. Learning styles Information found from http://www.k12.wa.us/SecondaryEducation/CareerCollegeReadiness/Curriculum/NavGr10LessonsRGRev-04-09.pdf

  2. 3 learning styles • Visual learners • Auditory learners • Kinesthetic learners • As we discuss the different learning styles, think about what type of learner you think you are.

  3. Visual learners • Are more likely to remember things if they write them down • Can easily visualize pictures in their heads • Better understand a person if they can see them • Have a difficult time understanding what someone is saying when there is noise in the background • Work better when it is quiet • Visualize answers from the textbook when asked to recall them • Like to write ideas down when they think of them

  4. Auditory Learners • Understand things better when they are able to discuss them • Would rather hear instructions than read them • Remember how something sounds rather than what it looks like • Can easily pay attention to someone who is speaking even if they can not see him or her • Have a difficult time picturing or visualizing something • Talk themselves through tasks

  5. KINESTHETIC LEARNERS • Like to jump into tasks without reading or learning about them • Study better when there is music playing • Like to move around instead of sitting at a desk • Look at the end of a book before they start it • Typically have messy notebooks, lockers, and desks • Often daydream in class • Would rather do a presentation or a project than write a report

  6. What type of learner are you? • Visual? • Auditory? • Kinesthetic? • You might be a combination

  7. Tips for visual learners • Write things down • Look at your teachers when they are teaching • Try to work and study in a quiet place • Rewrite your notes so that you remember the information • Sit in the front of the classroom • Use flash cards to study • Ask the teacher to explain something that you didn’t understand in a different way

  8. Tips for auditory learners • Study with a friend • Read aloud when you are studying or trying to remember something • Use flash cards and say what is written on them as you are studying • If you are unable to read aloud when you are reading or studying, try to hear the words in your head as you are reading

  9. Kinesthetic learners • Walk around while reciting material that you are trying to remember • Be creative and respectful and find ways to fidget without disturbing anyone else • Take frequent breaks when you are studying to move around • Go ahead and read the end-of-the-chapter summary or questions before you begin the chapter. This may help you to better understand what you read

  10. Wrap up • Think about what type of learner you might be and use the suggested tips • Any questions?

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