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Learning Styles. Knowing how you learn can make all the difference. Learning Styles—an Overview. Visual – 40% of population. Auditory – 30% of population. Kinesthetic – 30% of population.
Learning Styles Knowing how you learn can make all the difference.
Learning Styles—an Overview • Visual – 40% of population. • Auditory – 30% of population. • Kinesthetic – 30% of population. • NOTE: 100% of population uses a combination of all three styles listed above. Most often one type is dominant.
Why it is important to understand your learning style? • Better major selection. • You want to choose a major that caters to your dominant learning style. • If you are a kinesthetic learner, a Construction Management major is a good fit. • On the other hand, if you are an auditory learner you will want to purse a major that contains a majority of lecture courses. • Better strategy in choosing courses that are aligned with how you learn. • If you are undecided about your major, knowing your learning style can help you avoid courses in which you know you will struggle. • Lecture course versus a Lab course? • Strategize ways to do better in your courses. • Once you identify your learning preference, you can focus better on required program courses that you know are going to be difficult. • Your choice of study group partners or tutoring formats can be informed by your learning style preference.
Visual Learners • Visual Learners typically… • Remember what was read or seen in a presentation. • Don't retain what they hear over a long period of time. • Think in pictures, use “scenes” to describe. • Have vivid imaginations. • Associate color with information. • Remember faces, but not names. • Like written reports better than verbal ones.
Auditory Learners • Auditory Learners typically… • Remember what they hear in a lecture or presentation. Or even during a conversation. • Talk while they write. • Are sophisticated speakers. • Remember by listening, and therefore get the most out of lectures. • Assign little meaning to concepts or information until that information is presented in an audible format.
Kinesthetic Learners • Kinesthetic Learners typically… • Want to move all the time…they want to be busy! • Are well coordinated. • Are “doers”, not big “talkers”. • Like to take things apart, put them back together to learn how things work. • Need concrete experiences to act as learning aides.
Break it down… • So how do you know which is your dominant learning style? • Take a learning style assessment. • Usually available from your adviser. • Sometimes UN 100 textbooks contain them. • ACAC can provide them. • Some available online for FREE. • Analyze the results…what do they mean? • Discuss them with your academic adviser. • What are the strengths of your learning style? • What are the challenges? • What are some strategies you can use to be more successful – particularly in your current classes? • Refer to the following slides for applied techniques for each learning style.
Applied techniques • Visual Learners: • Write out everything for frequent and quick visual review. • Use color coding when learning new concepts and words. • Use outlines of reading assignments which cover key points and guide reading. • Use notes and flash cards for review of material, vocabulary, and terminology for specific course s. • Review textbook during relevant lecture component. • Auditory Learners: • The student should position themselves in the classroom or lecture hall so that he/she can hear lectures and review them frequently. • Read written material aloud (restate in your own words) . • Verbally review spelling words and lectures with another person - practice verbal repetition . • Record lectures (with instructor permission). • Kinesthetic Learners: • Study in short blocks of time rather than extended periods . • Have as many experimental learning opportunities as possible, such as lab and studio courses, as opposed to straight lecture classes - if you have a choice job shadowing, internships, etc. • Use this info when selecting courses. • Use flash cards.
This PowerPoint presentation is the property of Northern Michigan University’s Academic & Career Advisement Center. It may not be reproduced without written consent. www.nmu.edu/acac