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Targeting the male sports fan
1. NMA Why advertise in the sports pages of newspapers?
3. db 3
4. 5 key reasons why sports pages are a opportunity for advertisers Sports fans have an impressively involved relationship with their sports media
Newspapers play a key role in extending and enriching their sports experience
Newspaper sports pages provide information that is socially valuable and emotionally nourishing
Sports pages are a totally absorbing environment
Sports pages are seen by readers as virgin advertising territory
5. db 5 A love of sport unites and unifies very different men
different ages, different values, different politics, different occupations, different ‘classes’, different ambitions, different perceptions of self
their passion for sport causes them to be very similar in all of
how they feel about sport, how they behave with sport, what they use their sports media for, what their requirements of sports media are, how they feel about those media , what they value in those media,
as well as similar, crucially, in how they behave with those media
the only real differences to have an effect on their requirement for information about sport stem from how erudite they require their sport information diet to be
ie whether they choose a broadsheet or a tabloid newspaper
how much detail and depth they want in their information
how focussed on truth and /or sensationalism they are
a combination of their values, politics, social identities then dictates which broadsheet or tabloid they choose
the mindset through which they consume newspaper sports sections is shared, and is particularly focussed` Love of sport is fundamental
6. 1. Sports fans have an impressively involved relationship with their sports media
7. 1: Men who love sport are very involved by their sports media
Time dedicated to chosen sports media is prized and closely guarded
checking scores before eating, reading pre and post match reports, radio tuned to 5 Live in the shower, quick internet fixes of sport info during work day, listening to radio commentary while watching match on TV
Reading the sport usually a priority as soon as the newspaper is obtained
for 54% the back page is the real front page: they admit to going there first
Time is made so that getting the sport information can fit somewhere into the day
committed readers as likely to read it 2+ times in the day as once only.
8. Back Page First Readership
9. Time Spent Reading
10. Number of Reading Occasions
11. Reading Occasions: Daily vs. Sunday
12. Daily Paper Reading Occasions: Morning Zone
13. Daily Paper Reading Occasions: P.M. Zone
14. 2. Sports Pages enrich and extend the experience
Strongest benefits derived from newspapers after the event
Looked to and valued for in-depth and expert analysis
Editorial viewed as expert and considered and therefore especially valid
Due to range of and expertise of journalists
“3 reports on one match”
Unlike commentary and commenting on TV and radio
Newspapers provide more insight eg what happened after the final whistle
Tunnel antics / tensions / fracas etc. post match can be reported better via newspapers
“what’s gone on once they go down the tunnel – the rollocking they got from the manager – almost like a gossip column”
“I love the way newspapers go through all the player previews
Ability for more direct comparison - in the cool light of day
“you know the headlines - but it’s a habit to compare your own opinion with what you saw”, “the analysis is more considered, they’ve got more breathing space - they add something extra”
Before the event is valued
news and views
latest developments
but less immediate than TV and radio
speculation as to what may occur
“ you read the passion in their writing”
“voice of the nations stuff”
As well as ability to fan the flames of hopes and dreams
adding to excitement, anticipation and adrenaline
the gossip, the transfer talk
the fans’ view
fosters the fantasy element of sport - the ‘if only’ aspirations of amateur players / enthusiasts:
“it’s escapism, a fantasy world - we’d all love to be Beckham, be in their boots”
to read, perchance to dream: especially Tabloid readers
“you imagine yourself as part of it - there’s an envious streak while reading it”
2. Newspapers sport pages extend and enrich the sport fans experience
16. Before and After Value of Paper
17. 3. Sports Pages provide information that is socially valuable and emotionally nourishing
18. 3. Newspaper sports pages provide information that is socially valuable and emotionally nourishing It provides them with vital social currency:
Expert, detailed information about their sport/team and other sports/teams
Which means they are in on the conversation at work, in the pub
a validated view, an expert opinion, the inside track, a real insight
They know what they are talking about
They are fluent in what is a universal (male) language
19. 3. Newspaper sports pages provide information that is socially valuable and emotionally nourishing The detail and the depth of newspaper sports editorial is not just dry information: it is emotionally nourishing as it allows men who love sport to:
Live or relive the experience
Extend the pleasure of victory or the soul searching of defeat
Enjoy it from different angles
Understand it more fully
Share the passion with writers who are adept at expressing and fuelling personal and collective passions
“you read the passion in their writing”
Dream: what could happen next, how it might feel
20. Paper: Social Currency
21. Paper: Information Values
22. 4. Sports Pages are a totally absorbing environment
24. Paper: Involvement / Entertainment Values
25. db 25 Mood during Reading (continued)
26. 5. Sports Pages are Virgin advertising territory
27. Fairly disparaging response indicated a lack of emotional connection:
“bland, waste of space - take no notice - all small, unobtrusive and tucked up the corner”
no cleverness in execution:
“very direct - no trying to ponder what they’re selling, just stuff like got no money? Have a loan!”
no real surprises:
“all very stale -feels really predictable”
visually incongruous / confusing:
“ they’ve got a picture of an office which you’re trying to forget about, it’s got no place on the page -” (Broadsheet Midlands)
“I’ve never been tempted, but then they seem to be the wrong choice of adverts - I’d like to see - more dedicated and relevant” (Broadsheet Midlands) A desire nevertheless for display advertising to complement their emotional mindset rather than ‘prick the bubble’
“a lot of its in your subconscious - you see a colour photo of Tiger Woods in his Nike cap on the back page and the brand goes in”
An awareness that brands do successfully align themselves to sport to generate a positive image:
“they’d gain a lot of street cred by doing good ads”
those that did get noticed and achieve a degree of involvement were strong on relevance or on relevant siting ….
5. To readers newspaper sports pages are virgin advertising territory - a totally missed opportunity
28. 6. How can advertisers best enter ‘this bubble’ ?
29. Potential routes for advertisers to break into this bubble
Levity, release:
the sport is taken seriously….and respondents are in information gathering mode….
But they are in and on leisure time: sport remains fundamentally about entertainment / release / relaxation from life….
As such advertising has to acknowledge this…
and should work to entertain / captivate / intrigue
rather than bombard with minutiae of facts
readers want detail in their sports column inches but not in ads
e.g. mobile phone packages / mortgage rates etc.
“so much small print - I’m not going to bother with that”
Vodafone – Michael Schumacher ad very powerful if used in newspaper sports sections during f1 season
Cleverness of execution
as ever, very clever or very funny ads are likely to win over most objections, and humour is especially relevant
to this audience
to this context: it is all about banter, ribbing, laughing at each other - John Smiths campaign has some highly viable sports executions which could happily live within the newspaper
Empathy of execution: emotional intensity
recognition of the emotional intensity of sport within advertising can help to demonstrate empathy / understanding….
“mean and moody, complements the editorial - a sense of occasion; shows it’s a brand leader and keeps it in the mind’s eye” Guinness rugby ad particularly strong delivery, also Sure ‘bull’ ad
Breaking into the bubble
31. Empathy of execution: belong in the bubble
ie. building a sense that the brand justifiably belongs within the bubble / sanctum / community that is sports enthusiasts:
“it needs to be interesting and striking without being intrusive”
not an infiltrator from the outside who has no real understanding of how men think or feel while digesting sporting news:
“they should target firms that would really fit with sports they cover - unless a phone company is prepared to make a better link in their ads, it seems inappropriate”
insensitivity to this sporting mindset is hugely counterproductive
“they have to advertise to us as part of the sports fraternity - if it’s totally naff, we’ll take no notice of them”
“you need something where you can actually get involved”
this includes presenting the right men of the various men inside each reader: he is manly man, not effete man when thinking sport
Gucci sun glasses, Police sun glasses( using Beckham), Ben Sherman using Rio Ferdinand, Armani and Justin Chambers
Empathy of execution: the collective
particularly within the tabloid universe, newspapers are as much a public as private medium
‘talk factor’ in newspaper / display advertising might be a potential opportunity
as papers / views and features are shared
ads which work to unite readers’ interests / sense of humour etc. could be capitalised upon:
e.g. John Smith’s ‘have it’ style press advertising
“there are a dozen papers lying around at work with 300 people passing through and they’re all reading the sports pages”
“papers sell millions a day - they could do more with ads - bold, simple, in your face and relevant to sport, especially if they’re funny”
Breaking into the bubble
32. Cleverness of siting:
bespoke advertising
advertising feels powerful when well thought through…Adidas ( Viera), Vodafone – Schumacher
when the brand has clearly invested in an execution tailor made to complement the editorial / events of stature in sport
“Guinness has taken the trouble to create an advert - your attention is always caught if people make an extra effort, do something special for an event that’s important for you”
“you accept it’s not such an intrusion”
particularly apposite for brands which are known to be investors in sport:
“they’re more entitled to mention their products in relation to sport because they give money to sport” eg Gillette
editorially relevant advertising
can be achieved via the visuals or via the headline
picking up on the point of an article was impactful and distinctive
Relevance of brand: the man, not just the fan
reader’s self -perception and perception of user imagery obviously again here: brands need not to uncomfortably challenge the environment
also an opportunity to think more broadly about the brands that are relevant
calls for sporting brands are clearly made, and offer a natural fit
but they are not the extent of the possible
more creative solutions, if executed carefully so as not to alienate, may offer more standout
talk to the man in the fan, who does other things except think sport, cars, DIY
‘I don’t want to be aerodynamic and powerful’ (broadsheet reader, Shepperton)
but don’t make him look like he’s a girl when he’s reading about the rugby: brands he buys include
Diesel, Gap, Stella, John Smiths, Nike, FCUK, Brylcreem, Vodafone Breaking into the bubble
33. Why National Newspapers? Editorial Impact
Unrivalled, guaranteed environment, offering an intense, sociable,
and stimulating experience
Clever, relevant creative cuts through and is talked about –it becomes a part of ‘the bubble’ – both leveraging and fueling the reader’s emotions
Clever, relevant creative captures the readers’ time offering significant, quality, exposure ( esp compared to the average 2 mins or so of a TV campaign)
Significant upweight of client campaign in RWC editorial
Greater ROI per Campaign Ł spend
National Reach, Cover and Frequency
Geographical distribution of campaign
Multiple consumer contact points
Complementary media activity – consumption/scheduling
Paper read pre/post match
TV during
Enhances overall campaign cost effectiveness