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Andmeside IRT 00 3 0 loeng 2 18. sept. 2005

Andmeside IRT 00 3 0 loeng 2 18. sept. 2005. Avo Ots telekommunikatsiooni õppetool raadio- ja sidetehnika instituut avots@lr.ttu.ee. network link physical. transport. application transport network link physical. application transport network link physical. application transport

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Andmeside IRT 00 3 0 loeng 2 18. sept. 2005

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  1. AndmesideIRT 0030loeng 2 18. sept. 2005 Avo Ots telekommunikatsiooni õppetoolraadio- ja sidetehnika instituut avots@lr.ttu.ee

  2. network link physical transport application transport network link physical application transport network link physical application transport network link physical application transport network link physical data data data ack transport Andmeülekanne (loogiline)

  3. network link physical application transport network link physical application transport network link physical application transport network link physical application transport network link physical data data Andmeülekanne (füüsiline)

  4. source destination message M M H H H H H H H H H H H H l n n l n t t t t n t t segment M M datagram M M application transport network link physical application transport network link physical frame M M Sõnumiülekanne

  5. FTP Telnet HTTP HTTP coaxial cable fiber optic Telnet FTP packet radio packet radio coaxial cable fiber optic Vahekihid

  6. Funktsioonijaotus • The application knows the requirements best, place functionality as high in the layer as possible • If the application can implement a functionality correctly, implement it at a lower layer only as a performance enhancement • Think twice before implementing a functionality that you believe that is useful to an application at a lower layer

  7. Töökindlus router sender receiver L2 L2 L1 L1 L1 • Solution 1: make each step reliable, and then concatenate them • Solution 2: end-to-end check and retry

  8. sender receiver L2 L2 L1 L1 L1 Töökindluse tagamine • The receiver has to do the check anyway! • Thus, full functionality can be entirely implemented at the upper layer; no need for reliability from lower layers • Is there any need to implement reliability at lower layers?

  9. Collapsed backbone

  10. Central Parking’s collapsed backbone

  11. ATM Virtual Circuits

  12. ATM Encapsulation

  13. Protokollid http://www.private.org.il/tcpip_rl.html http://www.eix.co.uk/Ethernet/ http://www.mfaforum.org/education/atm_presentations.shtml http://www.mfaforum.org/education/atm_cs.shtml http://www.mfaforum.org/tech/superdemo_2004.pdf

  14. Process/ Application Host-to-Host Internet Network Access ISO OSI vs DoD mudel 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  15. Võrkude ja teenuste ühendamine T G T T T T T R R T

  16. Kihtide vahelised seosed rakendus esitlus Võrgurakenduse teenus seanss transport Transporditeenus võrk kanal Võrguteenus füüsiline

  17. 7 Application e. g. Workflow 6 Presentation G.711 / G.723.1 / G.729 5 Session H.323 / H.450 / RTP 4 Transport TCP / UDP 3 Network IP DiffServ 2 Data Link MAC 802.1 D 1 Physical Transmission Medium Mudeli täiendused

  18. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol • RFC0821 (august 1982) J. Postel, RFC2821 (aprill, 2001) • Sõnumite töökindlaks saatmiseks • Klient-server mudel • Ühendusele orienteeritud ja kinnitustega protokoll • TCP port 25

  19. Lõpulingid • Kõik RFC-d:http://www.ietf.org/iesg/1rfc_index.txt • Infotehnoloogia reeglid Eesti keele ja kultuuri keskkonnas EVS 8:2000http://www.eki.ee/itstandard/sisukord.html • www.ieee.org

  20. Service Components Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Logic Service Logic Service Control Service Switching Service Switch Service Switch Service Switch Service Switch Service Access Service Access Service Access Service Access Service Access Service Access Session Control (Circuit Switching control) Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session

  21. Off-line customer management Terminal Extended call control and IN charging Terminal Telecom basic service/call control Access Service Transmission Access Service AUser Service Management BUser Service Management A Home Service BHome Service A Portal B Portal Control Service A Terminal B Terminal Session Service Access Transmission Access Linear Service Architecture in Legacy Network: Static Services Two-Dimension Service Architecture in NGN: Active Services

  22. Lõpulingid • http://www.mmwave.com/pdf/Alvarion.pdfKõik RFC-d:http://www.ietf.org/iesg/1rfc_index.txt • Infotehnoloogia reeglid Eesti keele ja kultuuri keskkonnas EVS 8:2000http://www.eki.ee/itstandard/sisukord.html • www.ieee.org

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