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Safety Tutorial for Radiology. Mrs. DeLutis Work Based Learning Coordinator Saranac Central School. Determine patients’ x-ray needs by reading requests from physicians Explain procedures to patients Monitor equipment operation and report any malfunctions to supervisor
Safety TutorialforRadiology Mrs. DeLutis Work Based Learning Coordinator Saranac Central School
Determine patients’ x-ray needs by reading requests from physicians Explain procedures to patients Monitor equipment operation and report any malfunctions to supervisor Operate mobile x-ray equipment in operating room,emergency room, etc. Perform procedures such as mammography, sonograms, CT scans, MRI Position patient on examining table Set up equipment Adjust controls on equipment to get proper x-ray desired Prepare contrast materials (dyes) for patients Training Tasks for Radiology
Pre-Test – True or False? • Radiologists are always exposed to radiation? • Certain badges are worn when working with any kind of x-ray machine to determine your amount of exposure? • Radiologists could be exposed to Tuberculosis? • Radiologists have been trained to use the minimum amount of radiation on their patients? • A radiologist could come into contact with blood or other infectious material during the x-ray process?
Appropriate Clothing • Over their clothing, Radiologists wear white lab coats. Comfortable shoes/sneakers (white) are also recommended.
Slip and Falls There is potential for slip and falls in the radiology area and also when using the portable x-ray machine. You need to watch out for power cords or fluids that could be spilled on the floors, such as blood or vomit. • Solutions: • Floors need to be kept clean and dry • Aisles need to be clear and in good repair
Radiation Exposure • Radiation exposure happens when you are near an x-ray machine in operation. The degree depends on the amounts, how long, and how close you were to the source. • There is acute radiation exposure which causes nausea, vomiting, weakness or death. • There is also chronic radiation exposure that causes skin cancer. This type of exposure may also lead to inherited defects in your children.
Radiation Exposure Cont. • Solutions: • Film Badges, Double-Badging or Ring Badges are to be worn to measure your exposure to radiation. All of the badges are essential to your safety. • X-ray rooms should be equipped with lead platted glass windows for you to step behind. • Lead aprons or lead gloves should be worn when you are directly in the x-ray field.
Infectious Diseases • An exposure to blood and other infectious materials could happen during the x-ray process. • Solutions: • Be alert! • Always wear gloves, masks, and gowns if blood exposure is expected • Never pick up anything without your gloves on.
Airborne Diseases • Tuberculosis (TB) • Exposure to TB is serious and can occur during x-ray procedures. • Solutions: • Learn about TB • Make sure proper ventilation systems are in place. • There should be a specific area designated for TB patients. • TB patients should wear surgical masks and return to isolation room as soon as possible.
Airborne Diseases Cont. • Signs and Tags • Signs should be posted indicating that a patient with TB is in the room. • There should be biological hazard signs posted on fans, ducts, filters notifying you of possible contamination. • Anything that has been contaminated should have a warning label or sign on it. • Do not enter a room were a patient has TB without wearing the proper protective respirator.
Exposure is possible to work-related musculosketal disorders (strain and sprain injuries to back and shoulder area) from lifting and reaching for patients during x-ray procedures. Solutions: Proper lifting training. Avoid twisting while lifting. Ask someone to help you with lifts. Ask patient to help facilitate the lift. Use mechanical devices to assist with the lift. Ergonomic Hazards - Lifting
Machine Maintenance • A person should be assigned the responsibility for proper and consistent maintenance of all x-ray machines.
Fire • Find out where the fire extinguishers are located in every x-ray room and on your floor/unit.
Angry/threatening Patients • Workplace violence • Exposure to potential violence from uncooperative, disoriented, or angry patients. • Solutions: • Get trained on how to deal with difficult patients. • Know how to recognize, identify, and resolve potential violent situations. • Be alert! • Know where panic button is located. • Know what number to call in case of an emergency.
HOW and to WHOM DO YOU REPORT AN INJURY • Report all injuries to your supervisor. • Document exactly what happened, including date and time. • Get names of everyone involved, including patients. • Were there any witnesses?
It is not necessary to wear gloves when you know there will be blood involved? You could get a sprain or strain when lifting a patient the wrong way? TB is a serious airborne disease? Acute radiation causes skin cancer? Film badges are worn to fight radiation? Contact a supervisor if you have an injury? It is not necessary to know where fire extinguishers are on your floor or unit? It is not appropriate to ask for help when lifting a patient? All x-ray machines should have routine maintenance? Signs should be clearly posted if there is a patient with TB in the room? Post Test – True or False
Safety Web Resources • www.advancedimagingingofmi.com/safetyofCT.htm • www.radiologyinfo.com/content/safety/xray-safety.htm • http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full • www.medceu.com/tests/radiologysafety.htm
Answer Key-Pre-test • False • True • True • True • True
False True True False False True False False True True Answer Key-Post-Test