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The Prepare Curriculum. SkillstreamingAnger Control TrainingMoral Reasoning TrainingProblem-Solving TrainingEmpathy TrainingSituational Perception TrainingStress Management TrainingCooperation TrainingRecruiting Supportive ModelsUnderstanding and Using Groups. Modeling(Skill Demonstration by Trainers) Role-Playing(Skill Rehearsal by Youth) Performance Feedback(By Trainers and All Youth in Group) Generalization Training(To Increase Both Transfer and Maintenance).
1. The Prepare Curriculum:Teaching Pro-Social Skills:Productive Intervention Strategies Mark Amendola, L.C.S.W.
Robert Oliver, Ed.D.
3. Modeling
(Skill Demonstration by Trainers)
(Skill Rehearsal by Youth)
Performance Feedback
(By Trainers and All Youth in Group)
Generalization Training
(To Increase Both Transfer and Maintenance) Skillstreaming Procedures
5. Social Neuro ScienceJohn Cacioppo & Gary Bertston
.our social interactions play a role in re-shaping our brain through neuroplasticity
.our repeated experiences sculpt the shape, size and number of neurons and their synaptic connectedness.
6. Skillstreaming the AdolescentGroup I: Beginning Social Skills Listening
Starting a Conversation
Having a Conversation
Asking a Question
Saying Thank You
Introducing Yourself
Introducing Other People
Giving a Compliment
7. Skillstreaming the AdolescentGroup II: Advanced Social Skills Asking for Help
Joining In
Giving Instructions
Following Instructions
Convincing Others
8. Skillstreaming the AdolescentGroup III: Skills for Dealing with Feelings Knowing your Feelings
Expressing Your Feelings
Understanding the Feelings of Others
Dealing with Someone Elses Anger
Expressing Affection
Dealing with Fear
Rewarding Yourself
9. Skillstreaming the AdolescentGroup IV: Skills Alternatives to Aggression Asking for Permission
Sharing Something
Helping Others
Using Self-Control
Standing Up for Your Rights
Responding to Teasing
Avoiding Trouble with Others
Keeping Out of Fights
10. Skillstreaming the AdolescentGroup V: Skills Dealing with Stress Making a Complaint
Answering a Complaint
Being a Good Sport
Dealing with Embarrassment
Dealing with Being Left Out
Standing up for a Friend
Responding to Persuasion
Responding to Failure
Dealing with Contradictory Messages
Dealing with an Accusation
Getting Ready for a Difficult Conversation
Dealing with Group Pressure
11. Skillstreaming the AdolescentGroup VI: Planning Skills Deciding on Something to Do
Deciding What Caused a Problem
Setting a Goal
Deciding on Your Abilities
Gathering Information
Arranging Problems by Importance
Making a Decisions
Concentrating on a Task
12. Goals of Anger Control: To better recognize, understand, and manage anger.
To teach that anger is a natural human emotion experienced by everyone.
To teach self-reflection to clarify our motivation for getting angry.
To increase awareness of thoughts and emotions that lead up to anger.
13. Multi-Step Sequence Trainees are first helped to understand how they typically perceive and interpret the behavior of others in ways that arouse anger.
Focus is given to outside occurrences and inner perceptions that initiate the anger experience.
14. Anger Control Training Triggers:
Skillstreaming Skill Use
15. SITUTAIONAL PERCEPTION TRAINING The actual performance of a social skill on a particular social context.
Teaches what did the individual need to do (behavioral component) and where, when and with whom was it done (situational component).
Assist with the evaluation of a social setting and which specific skill should be utilized.
16. Sociomoral Development & Delay(Kohlberg, 1984) The development of more mature moral cognition through experiences of taking the perspectives of others.
Thinking or cognition refers to basic patterns or structures of mature or immature thought.
17. Why is Mature Moral Judgment Important? AS YOU THINK,
18. Delay in Thought and Behavior Antisocial youth show prolonged immaturity in the stage of moral judgment.
They also demonstrate persistent and pronounced egocentric bias.
19. Moral Reasoning Training Dilemma discussion groups designed to teach children how to:
Think about moral issues.
Deal with moral situations that do not have clear-cut solutions.
Use principles of fairness and justice in their interactions with others.
20. Moral Reasoning Goals Increase the moral reasoning stage of the trainees.
Help the trainees use newly learned and more advanced reasoning skills in the real world.
21. Four Phases of Social Decision- Making Meetings Consolidating Mature Morality
22. The Prepare CurriculumProblem-Solving Training Session 1 Introduction
Session 2 Stop and Think
Session 3 Problem Identification
Session 4 Gathering Information (Own Perspective)
Session 5 Gathering Information (Others Perspectives)
Session 6 Alternatives
Session 7 Evaluating Consequences and Outcomes
Session 8 Practice
23. The Prepare Curriculum:Empathy Training Readiness Training
Acquisition of empathy preparation skills
Elimination of empathy skill acquisition inhibitors
Perceptual Training
Situational perception training
Programmed self-instruction
Observational sensitivity training
Peace 4 Kids
Extension of Aggression Replacement TrainingŽ
24. (Empathy Training continued) Cognitive Analysis Training
Discrimination training
Exposure plus guided practice
Communication Training
Didactic-experiential training
Interpersonal living laboratory
Relationship enhancement
Transfer and Maintenance Training
25. The Prepare Curriculum:Stress Management Training Progressive Relaxation Training
Yogaform Stretching
Breathing Exercises
Physical Exercise
Somatic Focusing
Thematic Imagery
26. The Prepare Curriculum:Cooperation Training Cooperative Learning
Student teams-achievement divisions Jigsaw II
Teams-games-tournaments Learning together
Team assisted individualization Group investigation
Cooperative Gaming
Ages 3-7:
Jack-in-the-box name game Partner gymnastics
Cooperative hide-and-seek Frozen bean bags
Ages 8-12:
New basketball Tug of peace
Three-sided soccer All on one side
Strike-outless baseball Octopus massage
Mutual storytelling Brussels sprouts
27. Cooperative Gaming Everyone who wishes to play can.
Everyone plays an equal amount of time via use of simultaneous games and frequent substitution when necessary.
Everyone has equal opportunity to play each position.
Players compete against own past performance, not each other.
Skill emphasis is on self-improvement.
No goals are counted, no points awarded, no score kept.
28. (Cooperative Gaming continued) Extrinsic rewards (trophies, awards) are deemphasized.
Cooperative skills are actively encouraged, e.g., all must touch ball before a shot can be taken.
Multi-ball, multi-goal games are used.
Individual penalties are not announced to minimize reinforcement of attention.
Expulsion from game is used for deliberate attempts to injure another player.
29. The Prepare Curriculum:Understanding and Using Groups Forming
The warm-up wave!
Breaking the ice
Graphics: self-disclosure activities
Being part of the group
Discrimination games
Trust-level disclosures
Model-building: an intergroup competition
30. (Understanding & Using Groups continued) Norming
Process observation: a guide
Role nominations: a feedback experience
Choosing new colors
The gift of happiness: experiencing positive feedback
Top problems: a consensus-seeking task
Stretching: identifying and taking risks
Line-up and power inversion: an experiment
Bus ride
31. Successful Alternative Schools Remedial, not soft jails
Clear and consistent academic and behavioral goals
Motivated, empathic, and culturally diverse staff
Responsiveness to individual learning styles
Small class size
High performance standards and expectations
Daily attendance and progress reports
Full days of study, rigorous workloads
Continual monitoring and evaluation
Mandatory student and parent counseling
Administrative commitment and financial support
32. Aggression Reduction Strategies Unproductive
Learned behavior
33. Delinquents on Delinquency:Punitive Strategies Incarceration
Harsher incarceration
Mandatory incarceration
Longer incarceration
Sentence youths as adults
Incarceration of parents
Incarceration with attack dog Life sentences
Life sentences without food
Stricter parents and schools
Involuntary drug rehab
More gun use by store owners
House arrest by parents
34. Delinquents on Delinquency:Rehabilitative Strategies Early adoption of unwanted children
School Uniforms
Longer school hours
Learning how to think
Classes on delinquency
Self-esteem groups
Pictures of the future
Earlier work permits
Counseling advertisements Closing of housing projects
Videos of incarcerated youths
Celebrity campaigns
Less biased police
Delinquents as store detectives
Vans to pick up truants
Alcohol-free bars and dances
Psychologists at arcades
Rewarding nondelinquency
35. Consequence Moderator Variables Likelihood of Consequence
Consistency of Consequence
Immediacy of Consequence
Duration of Consequence
Severity of Consequence
Possibility of escape or avoidance of Consequence
Availability of alternative routes to goal
Level of instigation to aggression
Level of reward for aggression
Characteristics of the prohibiting agents
36. Multiple Causes of Aggressive Behavior Causes Examples
Physiological predisposition Male gender, high arousal, temperament
Cultural context Societal traditions and mores which encourage/restrain aggression
Immediate interpersonal Parental/peer criminology; aggressive models environment in movies and on TV
Immediate physical Temperature, noise, crowding, traffic,
environment pollution
Personal qualities Self-control, repertoire of alternative prosocial values and behaviors
Disinhibitors Alcohol, drugs, successful aggressive models
Presence of means Guns, knives, other weapons
Victim characteristics Gender; size; behavior during crime
37. Aggression Characteristics of Possible Prescriptive Relevance High Intensity vs Low Intensity
Proactive vs Reactive
Overcontrolled vs Undercontrolled
Early Onset vs Late Onset
Overt vs Covert vs Authority Conflict
38. Prescriptive Intervention by Type of Aggression Proactive aggression Reactive aggression
Object-oriented Person-oriented
Goal: to obtain, dominate Goal: to hurt, injure
Cold-blooded Angry, volatile
Example: mugging Example: aggravated assault
Crimes premeditated Crimes of passion
Possible interventions: Possible interventions:
Consistent punishment for Anger Control training
aggression Empathy training
Consistent reward for prosocial
Social skills training
39. Aggressive Incidents Horseplay
Rules violation
Sexual harassment Physical Threats
Out-of-control behavior
Student-student fights
Attacks on teachers
Use of weapons
Collective violence
40. Contextual Correlates and Causes of Aggression There is more aggression:
In schools
The larger the school
In the cafeteria, stairwells, and bathrooms than in classrooms
In March than in any other month
In 7th grade than in any other grade
With autocratic or laissez-faire school administrators than withfirm but fair
41. (continued) In prisons
The larger the prison
The older the prison
The more the external (in and out) traffic
The more the internal (within) traffic
The less the contact between the warden and prisoners
The fewer the number of work assignments
The less the education of the correctional officers
42. (continued) In sports
By members of the home team than by the visiting team
When the team is in the middle of its league standings
Later in the game than earlier in the game
Later in the season than earlier in the season
Behind the net in hockey; near the 50-yard line in football
43. Corporal Punishment at Home Legal in all 50 states
Applied to 90% of U.S. children
56% slapped or spanked
31% pushed or shoved
10% hit with object
3% object thrown at child
Peak application by age 3 to 4
Still applied to 25% of U.S. adolescents
44. (Corporal Punishment at Home continued) Sons hit more than daughters
Older parents less likely to hit
Parents hit during adolescence are themselves more likely to hit
Parents who hit each other are more likely to hit
45. Corporal Punishment at School Legal in 23 states
Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama highest
700,000 instances per year in U.S.
Disproportionately applied to
Minority youth/Learning disabled youth/Emotionally disturbed youth
School policy and procedure
Number of strokes/Intensity of strokes/Size of paddle/Presence of a witness/Prior parental approval