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American Association for Teaching Curriculum

Tale of Two Talents: How Teachers Prepare for Class. Josh Thompson, Ph.D.Aggie Stryker, Ed.D.Dept. of Curriculum

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American Association for Teaching Curriculum

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Presentation Transcript

    1. American Association for Teaching & Curriculum Fifteenth Annual Conference Austin, Texas October 9 – 12, 2008

    2. Tale of Two Talents: How Teachers Prepare for Class Josh Thompson, Ph.D. Aggie Stryker, Ed.D. Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction Texas A&M University-Commerce

    3. How to prepare for class? Each teacher approaches the teaching process differently. Some, though quite different in their approach, come out with remarkably similar results.

    4. Participants in this ISSUES AND IDEAS session will … evaluate effective planning within the lesson cycle – “What works?” analyze contrasting examples of approaches to preparation – “What else, also works?” synthesize a compendium of approaches – “What are my choices?” evaluate his or her own approach to planning – “What am I going to do differently? the same? and why?”

    5. Shared Attributes Teaching content while focusing on teaching Students Students own their own learning Always student centered Provide learning experiences High ratings from students and peers Grades are NOT the goal for learning Education is synergy & understanding

    6. Shared Attributes

    7. Shared Attributes

    8. Seven Facets of Contrast Approach Procedures Atmosphere Goals & Objectives Accountability Content Class Structure

    9. 1. Approach Aggie Josh

    10. 2. Procedures Design of Learning Activities Aggie Josh

    11. 3. Atmosphere Aggie Josh

    12. 4. Goals & Objectives Aggie Josh

    13. 5. Accountability Aggie Josh

    14. 6. Content Aggie Josh

    15. 7. Class Structure Aggie Josh

    16. Continuum Content Process


    20. Tale of Two Talents: How Teachers Prepare for Class Josh_Thompson@tamu-commerce.edu Astryker@sbcglobal.net http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/jthompson/

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