Living At Home V/S Assisted Living As a person ages, he/she become more dependent on others for managing their day to day tasks. At this stage of life, seniors are often confronted with a question whether to live at home or shift to an assisted living center. Here we have listed certain aspects which can help you take a decision - Assisted Living Living At Home vs. Seniors may feel isolated by living at home and this significantly increases the chances of dementia. Assisted living centers provide a comfortable environment to seniors and also help them with daily chores like bathing, getting dressed, hygiene etc. Reliance on family members or friend for regular assistance may increase extensively. Various opportunities including exercises, socializing and group activities are offered by the assisted living centers. There can be limited supervision at home & family members might not be prepared for any medical emergency. Help is easily available in case of any medical emergency. There is round-the-clock supervision by qualified staff. The cost of assisted living is quite low and it also provides better care services as compared to other options. Home is less unequipped to deal with the mobility and physical changes that a senior witnesses. Getting all necessary equipments would mean more costs. Luvida Memory Care www.luvidacare.com 2400 Piazza Drive, Belton, TX 76513 Phone: (254) 613 - 4119