Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's is a brain disease. It is the primary cause of Dementia which leads to a slow decline in the reasoning and thinking ability. Look out for these signs to be sure of the disease: Trouble In Solving Problems People suffering from Alzheimer's may experience trouble while concentrating. They generally take too much time to do things. Daily Tasks Are A Challenge Every single day-to-day task can become quite di?cult and challenging for them. Loss Of Memory This is the most common symptom of Alzheimer's disease. They tend to forget recently learned information & important dates or events. Changes In Mood Mood swings in people with Alzheimer's are common & quite often. They can easily become depressed, anxious & suspicious. Poor Judgment People with Alzheimer's experience di?culty in making right decisions and judgement. www.luvidacare.com 2400 Piazza Drive, Belton, TX 76513 Phone: (254) 613 - 4119 Image source: Designed by Freepik