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According to the studies, Forty Four million people are suffering from the Alzheimers. In spite of the fact that Alzheimer's disease is widespread, but it is still surrounded by innumerable myths and misapprehensions. Home Care Assistance of Roseville has shared the 4 Alzheimer's facts which everyone should know. Visit our website: http://www.homecareassistanceroseville.com/
We Can Handle the Truth: The Facts on Alzheimer’s “Studies now show us that over 44 million people currently have Alzheimer's. Even though Alzheimer's disease is extremely prevalent, it is still surrounded by countless myths and misconceptions. Here is a quick look at four Alzheimer's facts that everyone should know.”
Just as with many other serious medical conditions, catching Alzheimer's early can have a dramatic impact on a patient's quality of life. While there is currently no cure, the management of this disease has improved by quite a bit in recent years. When this disorder is caught in its earliest stages, patients have a wide variety of tactics they can use to slow their cognitive decline and minimize the side effects. Most specialists generally suggest sweeping lifestyle changes including mental stimulation, regular exercise, and a healthy diet. An Early Diagnosis Matters
Forgetfulness might be the most common symptom of Alzheimer’s, but this disorder affects much more than one's memories. According to a report published by the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, almost all Alzheimer's patients have additional medical conditions that complicate their treatments and reduce their quality of life. Many of those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's have diet-related disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure. They might also develop issues with their senses including hearing and smelling. It Is Much More Than Memory Loss
We currently do not know exactly what causes Alzheimer's, but doctors have discovered that it is closely tied to one's general health and well-being. Obese patients and those with diabetes develop Alzheimer's at much higher rates. We have also found that a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to this disorder as well. Many researchers believe that the narrowing of blood vessels could be one of the reasons why these conditions increase a patient's risk of Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's Is Tied to Poor General Health
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can be incredibly draining, and that is why many caregivers suffer from “caregiver burnout” or “caregiver stress.” These individuals often report much higher levels of stress with very little attention given to their own health. This is why it is suggested that all caregivers create a support team that can help them alleviate their stress and break their isolation. There are also face-to-face support groups designed specifically for those who care for older patients in the latest stages of progressive diseases such as Alzheimer's. Family Members Sufferas Well
DESCRIPTION At Home Care Assistance of Roseville, CA, we use two proprietary care methods to enhance the quality of care our clients receive and promote overall wellbeing. For us, providing senior care is about more than just placing a caregiver in the home. We truly believe the right caregiver can make all the difference in the care your loved one receives, and we use an exclusive matching process to find clients a caregiver they can build a lasting and meaningful relationship with. Address: 6951 Douglas Blvd. Granite Bay, CA 95746 Web: http://www.homecareassistanceroseville.com/ Phone : 916.226.3737
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