Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's Alzheimer's is one of the most common concern among seniors. The exact cause for this disease is still undiscovered, however there are many ways which can help you reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. Do strength training for at least 30 minutes every day to improve your overall health. 01 Include balance & coordination exercises in your routine to keep your body agile & active. 02 Stay socially engaged and maintain a healthy relationship with your friends. 03 Make sure that you eat a healthy diet, which may include fruits, omega-3 fats etc. 04 Keep a tab over your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in order to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. 05 Sleep deprivation can affect your mood & may lead to Alzheimer's. So, establish a proper sleep schedule to reinforce your natural circadian rhythms. 06 www.luvidacare.com Luvida Memory Care 2400 Piazza Drive, Belton, TX 76513 Phone: (254) 613 - 4119 Image Source: Designed by Freepik