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GraphicDesigning company and hired graphic designer Cassandre to design their brand logo. 2019-03-08【Wineand People】Womenarenot inferiorto men,takingstock of well-known female wine masters In additionto winewriting,Jessesalsoofficially launched her personal website in 2000, leading a professional teamtoregularlypublisharticles and wine tasting recordson thewebsite. Herwineratings provide consumers with a reference when it comes to wine. It has the ability to make all the difference in the market. "Decanter" praised her as the world's most respectedwine critic and journalist. [WineInformation]The14thChina (Guangzhou) InternationalFamousWine Exhibitiongrandly opens Among them, the Hong Kong pavilion will set upaHongKongpavilion to display theimage of Hong Kong and introducethe variousservice platformsprovided byHongKongundertheAsian
winehub.Aseriesofseminarsand wine tasting classeswillalsobeheldin thepavilion.2019-07- 01 [Wine Talk] Taking stock of the high technologieson the bottles of famouswineries Buyerscanverifythe authenticitybyentering the querycode on the querypage of Latour's official website.Thespecificverificationmethodisthe sameasthat ofLafite. Schematicdiagramofthe inquirypage of the officialwebsite ofChateau Latour(picturesource:www.chateau-latour.com) • 2022-07-22【WineryCulture】McKasReserve • Shiraz Set,getafree Boffinsmartwinecabinet when you buy it Although it is close to the edge of the Atacama Desert, thanks to the narrow gaps formedby theLimariRiverin the coastalhills, the cool breezeand fog fromtheoceancanpass through,creatingarelativelycoolclimateinthe valley. Microclimate.... [Wine Market] Ten tips for promoting winebrands inChina • PromotewineeducationInChina,countlesswine tastings are held every year. Each wine tasting combineswine cultureandChina'suniquecultural • 2.
Graphic Designing relationship. Wine is a product rich in connotations. 3. From it, wecanseethe culturalcharacteristicsof a country orproduction area, thetrend ofglobalization in the world, and a healthy and elegant attitude towards life. 2022-07-10【WineyardCulture】ChâteauSsac:A classicandoutstandinghigh-qualitymiddle-class chateau Currently, thedomaineisjointlymanagedby Marie and LouisVialard,direct descendants of Jacques Mondon, and managed by Laurent Saint Pasteur. Serve as winemaker. 2022-02-11【WineTalk】In2022,these domestic wine exhibitionsshould notbemissed Afterthat,the SIALseries ofinternational food exhibitionsbegantoexpand to many citiesaroundthe world. It is held every year in major cities around the world such asParis, Montreal,Toronto, Las Vegas,
New Delhi, and Jakarta. It has now become a "vane ofthe globalfoodandbeverageindustry."Since landing in Chinain2000,theSIALChinaseries of internationalfoodexhibitions has beensuccessfully heldinChina for 22 sessions. [Wineyard Culture]Introduction to famousBordeaux chateaus:ChateauLatour In1989, Alliance Lyonnaisboughtbacktheshares of ChateauLatourheld by theBritish PosenGroupat a sky-high price of nearly US$200million.At thisprice, the unit price of the winery per hectare is 14 million francs, which is equivalent to 1,800francspervine. Therefore,itis known as"themost expensivewinery in theworld."
2014-06-10【Wine Information】Top10 hotarticles inMay2014 In China, cognacisthe drink ofchoicefor the middle- agedrichandelite. During the New Yearholiday,a $3,000 bottle of Cognac is one of the most popular gifts. Inaddition,Cognacisalso one ofthe bestmeans ofbuildingrelationshipsinvariousbusiness transactions. onecan beoverwhelming.However,our platform isdesignedtosimplify theprocessandhelpyoumake aninformed decisionbyproviding youwithcomprehensivereviewsfromrealcustomers.