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Account based sales is defined as a prospecting process that strategies selling to targeted clients for high value continued sales. Download the PDF to get the entire information or can visit https://marketjoy.com/account-based-sales/
Imagine the situation. You have gone back in time and you can tell Henry Ford which parts of his advertising spend were the ones that made him the sales. You can show him where to spend his money most effectively and how to use his resources to get the right customers to spend their money with him. This is what Account Based Sales can do for an organization. By tracking where the money is being spent and the returns it beings we are now better placed than ever to provide this information than at any time before. The information gathered will allow a company to become more effective and spend in all the right places. Account Based Sales changes the way that any company looks at their client list.
BUT WHAT EXACTLY IS ACCOUNT BASED SALES? Well it is defined as a prospecting process that strategies selling to targeted clients for high value continued sales. It is looking at a client as an account, so you make many contacts at different levels within an organization.
They all feel looked after, the company knows that you care and if one person leaves then you don’t have to start all over again trying to get the right contact. You have many contacts in that account, as they have many contacts with your company. This strengthens the ties between the companies and makes sure that you have the best chance possible to make that sale.
Forexample IFYOUHAD1,500CLIENTSTHATEARNEDYOU ONEHUNDREDDOLLARSEACHTHENYOUR ANNUALINCOMEWOULDBE $150,000PERYEAR. Buttheinfrastructureneededtoservicetheseclientsmight behuge. Youwouldneedasalesforcetointeractwiththese clientsandservicetheirneeds. Youwouldneedtotake severalcallsfromeachclienteveryyeartoanswerany questionstheyhad. Ifyouweresellingaproductthenyou wouldhavetomakemultipledropstodifferentlocationsin ordertofulfilltheirdemand. Inshort, youhavethelogistics ofalargecompanybutwiththeincomeofasmallone. Your costswillbeahugepartofyourbusinessandwouldstop youfromgrowingor, intheworstcase, sendyouunder. Nowpictureyourbusinessanotherway. Youhavetenclients thatallearnyoufiftythousanddollarseach. Yourannual incomeis $500,000. Butitisnotthechangeinincomethat makesadifferencetoyourcompany. Itisthevastlyreduced expenditurethatcomeswithservicingtenclientsinan excellentmannerasaposetoserving1,500clientsinan averageormediocreway. Thesavingstothecompanyare massivebecauseyounolongerneedasalesforceanda telephoneteamtocover1,500customers. Younolonger needawebsitethatwillhavetocopewithahighdemandat peakperiods. Younolongerneedtodelivertoscoresof clientsweek-in, week-out.
Alwayskeepinmindthefactthatyourcost basewillalterwhenyouadoptanAccount BasedSalesapproach. Althoughthewayin whichyoudobusinesschangestherewillalso beahighercostforthesalespeoplethatyou employ. Youwillnowhavehighqualitysales peoplethatwillconnectwithyourtarget accountswillcostsmoreintermsofbasic salaryandwillalsoattractahigherlevelof bonus. Thinkaboutalltheeffectsonyour businessasyouplanandimplementan AccountBasedSalesprogram. ThisiswhatAccountBasedSalescanhelpyou with. Younowfocusondealingwiththeright clientsthatbringyouinthegoodmoney. You developthisrelationshipovertimesothat thereisanintrinsicvalueintherelationship thatappealstobothsidesoftheequation. You gettospendqualitytimewithacustomer, becometrustedandgethighervaluebusiness fromthem. Theyknowthattheyarebeing lookedafter, theytrustandrelyonyourservice andbuymorefromyouasaresult. Aswehave alreadylookedat, thisbenefitsbothsidesof theequation.
ACCOUNT BASED SALES IS MOST EFFECTIVE BECAUSE can generate contacts that will help you to attract the high-value clients that will make a big difference to your company. help to control expenditure because the cost of attracting, converting and retaining a quality client is much lower than the cost of trying to attract hundreds of low-value clients can find all the right clients, make all the right contacts in those clients and develop the long-term relationships that will means success to you and your company.
Account Based Sales takes away a lot of this discord by integrating the process. Time is spent ‘warming up’ the prospects so that they actually have a strong expectation of buying when they arrive with the sales team. The days of handing over a telephone number and saying “give these guys a ring” are over. The work that a team puts in on developing a relationship with a potential client will pay dividends in the end. Many people in a large company will make contacts with many relevant people in their target organisation. It then allows the sales team to talk to people who know what they do and know why they are calling. The hard work is done at the start of the process, rather than at the end.
So let’s get started with Account Based Sales approach and accelerate your sales 50 40 30 20 10 0
MarketJoy Prospecting Solutions for Niche Markets https://marketjoy.com/ 518 Kimberton Road, Suite 306, Phoenixville, PA 19460 USA Phone: +1 484-302-0110 Email: hello@marketjoy.com