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Andy Walton’s Weekly World Watch. Feb 15 – Feb 21 2004.
Andy Walton’s Weekly World Watch Feb 15 – Feb 21 2004 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” Ezekiel 33:6
What is this world watch all about? I decided each week to look at key events that had happened in that week and look at them with the Bible in hand. I hope to build up a picture of Gods hand working in the affairs of this world bringing about that day when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle which will be brought to end when the Lord Jesus Christ physically returns from heaven to set up Gods kingdom. The key areas which will crop up time and again will be • Israel – Middle East the growing conflict • Europe – the developing union / political and religious • Russia – continued turning back to anti west ways • The development of King of South – US & UK • Declining moral standards and increasing violence. Please email me with any thoughts, questions or anything I may have missed! On last page there is a red button – if you click it an email will open up pre addressed to me so you can send an email comments etc
Weekly Developments These are just a few of the events that have caught my eye in the previous week. It is in no way meant to be exhaustive – just a look at those events I saw as significant from a Bible viewpoint. Headlines These are always headlines printed in the newspaper – the date is always given and which paper. Normally the Daily Telegraph. (DT) Event This is usually the newspapers take on the events that have happened. It will always be a direct quote from the newspaper. Comment This is my take on why it is interesting from a Bible point of view. The idea of this weekly world watch is to give a quick Biblical perspective without going into detail. If more detail is needed please email me. Bible Quote This is normally one verse which backs up why the event that has occurred is interesting from a Biblical perspective. Please read in its context.
Weekly Developments Feb 15 – Feb 21 2004 • Putin’s nuclear show • Anti Semitism in UK • Chirac rebukes Blair at summit • Iran seeking atom bomb • Events at Temple Mount • Children should be taught atheism
Putin’s nuclear show • Headline Putin’s nuclear show blows up in his face Headline DT 18 February Event Russia's biggest military exercise since the collapse of communism flopped yesterday. Two missiles went wrong when fired from a submarine. American military planners may take some satisfaction at the Kremlin's embarrassment, but it is unlikely to help the steady souring of relations. Some analysts predict a further deterioration over the coming months as the former Cold War enemies skirmish over influence in central Asia and the Caucasus. Putin has sought to cast himself as a hard man in the mould of the old Soviet leaders. He has also pledged to preside over a return to the days when Russia was a powerful global player. Speaking before the exercises, which began at the end of January and are due to last until the end of this month, Mr Putin appealed again to the Soviet nostalgia that many Russian still feel. "The Soviet Union and its power, primarily projected through its nuclear forces, was a factor that balanced power in the world," he said. "We need to maintain this power and we will.” Comment Putin wants to “return” to days when Russia was powerful. Relations are souring with America. Even this humiliation with misfiring of weapons will probably strengthen his resolve. We are surely watching the “turning back” of Ezekiel 38. Bible Quote Ezekiel 38:4 And I will turn thee back
Anti Semitism in UK • Headline Prominent Jews targeted by Muslims and the far Right Headline DT 15 February Event Prominent Jews in Britain are being targeted in a wave of anti-Semitic harassment by far-Right and Islamic fundamentalist organisations. The home of Lord Triesman, the former general secretary of the Labour party, has been attacked by Combat 18, the neo-Nazi group. Uri Geller, the Israeli television personality, and Barbara Roche, the former Labour minister, have been the victims of graffiti and hate mail. The incidents have emerged as police prepare to release figures this week showing that Britain saw a significant rise in anti-Semitic incidents in 2003. Comment The wave of anti Semitism that Jewish leaders and American officials are saying is reminiscent of the 1930’s is even effecting the UK which is generally seen to be more pro Jewish than the rest of Europe. It was anti Semitism that provoked the last world war it will be anti Semitism that provokes the 3rd World War. Bible Quote – Matthew 24 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
Chirac rebukes Blair at summit • Headlines Chirac rebukes PM at historic summit Headline DT 19 February • Events Tony Blair was publicly rebuked by Jacques Chirac, the French president, who showed his unease at Mr Blair's intrusion into what he said was the EU's most "intense" relationship. France fears that Germany is edging closer to Britain, a shift underlined by Joschka Fischer in an interview with the Telegraph three weeks ago. M Chirac used a press conference mid-way through the Berlin meeting to stress the "specific" importance of Franco-German co-operation Comment Our expectation has long been that the European beast will exclude Britain when it launches its war on Christ and the saints. However much Tony Blair tries to “butt in” on “Old Europe” he is always put in his place. France and Germany will give their power and strength to the beast. Britain will not – though it may want too!! Bible Quote – Revelation 17 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
Headline Warning over Jerusalem holy site Headline BBC online 16 February Events at Temple Mount Event An Israeli archaeologist has warned that an entrance way to Temple Mount in Jerusalem is in danger of collapsing after a supporting wall fell down. Part of the 800-year-old wall leading to a compound sacred to Jews and Muslims crumbled at the weekend. Hamas said the wall fell down because Israel had tried to undermine the foundations of the al-Aqsa mosque, which is situated in the compound. "We warn the leadership of the enemy that the reaction of Palestinian resistance to the continued plans to destroy al-Aqsa mosque will be beyond their imagination and will topple the situation on their heads," Hamas said in a statement. Comment Temple Mount will be the focus of Armageddon. The Temple Mount is built on the site of the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. Armageddon means “a heap of sheaves in a valley for judgement”. The greatest of all battles and the judgement / threshing of all nations will occur here – at the Temple Mount. Bible Quote – Ezekiel 38 1 ¶ Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD…, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.
Iran seeking atom bomb Headline Suspicions mount that Iranians are seeking atom bomb - Headline DT 20 February Event United Nations nuclear inspectors have discovered components for sophisticated uranium enrichment equipment that Iran failed to declare, deepening suspicions that Teheran is seeking an atomic bomb. The unravelling of the nuclear network operated by Abdul Oadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan's bomb, has exposed Iran to ever more damaging disclosures of its attempts to hide nuclear-related facilities.Weapons analysts claim that the medium range Shahab-3 missile could reach Israel or US bases in Gulf "We have serious concerns about these reports," said the White House spokesman Comment Iran (Persia) will be one of the nations that converges on Israel with Gog. There is increasing pressure from the US on Iran. The hardliners are expected to win next week in the elections taking place in Iran – more on this next week. It is also interesting that we have seen a number of ‘natural’ disasters in Iran recently – with a major earthquake killing 1000’s and this week the terrible train explosion possibly caused by a small earthquake. God’s hand is clearly working here in this nation. Bible Quote – Ezekiel 38 5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
Children should be taught atheism • Headline Children should learn more about atheism and less about Jesus - DT 15 February Event The teaching of religious education in schools should be renamed spiritual education, with children being taught more about atheism and less about the life of Jesus and the 10 Commandments, according to the Government's favourite think-tank. The lessons should be widened to include "non-religious belief systems", a report by the Institute For Public Policy Research says. It calls for equal weight to be given to agnosticism and humanism as is given to Christianity. • Comment As someone pointed out in the article you can learn all you need to know about atheism in a few minutes. Atheism and humanism – they are indeed the new religions of the world. The article even goes on to say that children who have been taught a belief by parents will be made to question their belief and doubt it. How we must protect our own children and teach them every day - THE TRUTH. Bible Quote – Ecclesiastes 12 1 ¶ Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not