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Acupuncture Brisbane therapy treats a range of ailments at https://acunaturalhealth.business.site/<br><br>Visit Our Main Website: https://www.acunaturalhealth.com.au/<br><br>Find Us On Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/WcdfvTcULYuqj9Pn7<br><br>Acupuncture Brisbane therapy is one of the most excellent treatments that fall under the category of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this, the practitioner inserts the needles into your body, and this technique only leads to the mind-blowing results. <br><br>Acunatural Health<br><br>Address : 6/7 Ou2019Connell TCE, Bowen Hills QLD 4006, Australia<br>Email: info@acunaturalhealth.com.au<br>Phone: 61731626888<br>Fax: 61731615628<br>Opening Hours: Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br><br>Our Profile: https://www.slideserve.com/MassageBrisbane<br><br>See More:<br><br>https://bit.ly/3iRW3Lb
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE – HOW IT WORKS Cosmetic Acupuncture will have you seeing improvements immediately! Acupuncture is used to treat all kinds of cosmetic issues involving the face, skin, stomach and breasts. It is extremely e?ective course of treatment with 90% of people seeing results after their ?rst treatment! WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE At AcuNatural Health we also use the traditional method of Spoon Scraping (Gua Sha) to relax muscles, treat pain and improve cosmetic beauty. This process involves scraping a smooth edged implement over certain parts of the body (usually the inside of the forearm, the jaw or behind the knees) until the area begins to redden. This process does not hurt and the ‘bruises’ created shouldn’t last more than 72 hours. WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE One area we focus on is the breasts. By using a combination of acupuncture and spoon scraping (along with massage therapy) we can see immediate results of:- Increase of bust size between 1cm-3cm Breasts that sit higher from 0.5-1cm Firmer breasts Reduced sagging WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE Other conditions to do with the face and skin these treatments can assist with include:· Bags/dark circles under eyes Sagging skin Wrinkles Pu?ness Drooping eyelids/mouth Dull complexion Numbness Tightening and toning Acne WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE Inserting tiny sterile needles into specialised points of the body where energy ?ows to and from organs (referred to as meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine)stimulates the body’s healing to improve functions in these areas. Energy and blood ?ow will increase, and in relation to cosmetic acupuncture, collagen (which the body uses to keep skin elastic and youthful) is promoted. WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE An advantage of acupuncture is that it focuses on the whole body even when treating cosmetic issues. By making the body work better, it will feel better, thus making you look healthier and happier and therefore more vibrant. Our philosophy at AcuNatural Health is to provide a wholistic approach to health and wellbeing by targeting the cause of problems rather than just treating the symptoms. WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE Founded in the thousand-year-old teachings and techniques of traditional Eastern Medicine, we also recognise the complimentary bene?ts of utilising conventional Western Medicine. We work as a multidisciplinary team of Acupuncturists, Traditional Chinese Doctors, Kinesiologists, Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Hypnotists and Massage Therapists. Working in collaboration as a team of health professionals we strive to uncover the root causes of health problems and focus on an individual’s health and wellbeing for the long-term. WWW.ACUNATURALHEALTH.COM.AU
Acunatural Health Our philosophy at AcuNatural Health is to provide a holistic approach to health and well-being by targeting the root causes of problems, rather than simply treating their symptoms . Brisbane City Office 1/195 Elizabeth St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia Call Us : 07 3162 6888 CONT ACT US Brisbane North Office 6/7 O’Connell Tce, Bowen Hills QLD 4006, Australia Call Us : 07 3162 6888 Contact Mail : info@acunaturalhealth.com.au www.acunaturalhealth.com.au