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Vitamin D is a hormone that is naturally produced in our bodies. Only 10% of Vitamin D comes from our food. The body makes most of the hormone from sunlight. For more visit:medicalaccessmd.com
TheRoleofVitaminD Vitamin D is a hormone that is naturally produced in our bodies. Only 10% of Vitamin D comes from our food. The body makes most of the hormone from sunlight (hence, Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin).TherearemanyformsofVitaminD,butthemostimportantformsare: ● Calcitriol(or1,25-dihydroxyvitaminD) ● Ergocalciferol(vitaminD2) ● Cholecalciferol(vitaminD3) ● Calcidiol(25-hydroxyvitaminD) When sunlight touches our skin, it causes a substance called Cholecalciferol to be converted to Calcidiol. This happens in the liver. Calcidiol then is converted to Calcitriol in the kidneys. Calcitriol is the active form of the hormone. Doctors will often measure the level of Calcidiol in your body to assess for Vitamin Ddeficiency. Vitamin D is very important for bone mineralization & regulates blood Calcium levels. This helps promotebonegrowth&slowsdownosteoporosis.VitaminDhelpstopreventRickets(inchildren)&
Osteomalacia (in Adults). However, since Vitamin D has now been found to be an important regulator of various chemical reactions in the body, its deficiency is now being linked to Diabetes, certain cancers, Multiple Sclerosis, Depression, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Stroke, Arthritis, Autoimmune disorders, & decreasedimmunity.Althoughthedirectmechanismsofactionsarestillunknown. CertainphysicalsignsofVitaminDdeficiencyare: ● Weakness/Fatigue ● Chronicpain(Boneormuscle) ● Depression ● RecurrentFractures ● Frequentinfections ● Impairedwoundhealing Most people do not experience these symptoms until the deficiency is severe. Therefore, the American EndocrinologyAssociationrecommendVitaminDscreeninginhigh-riskpeople. Riskfactors: ● Obesity ● Age ● Individualswithdarkerskin ● Lactating/PregnantWomen ● Patientwithmalabsorptionsyndromes ● Patientswithweakness,depression,&chronicpain The Vitamin D Council recommend 2000 IU of Vitamin D/day for healthy adults who have moderate sun exposure.Thislevelcanvarybasedonsunexposure,age,&symptoms. Would you like to have your Vitamin D level tested? Please visit any of our Medical Access Clinics in Germantown, MD, Alexandria, VA, & Woodbridge, VA. We are open 7 days a week & provide medical caretothousandsofpatients.