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General Pediatric, Child Care Hospital in Faridabad | Medicheck Hospital

Looking for top-notch pediatric care in Faridabad? Look no further than Medicheck Hospital! Our expert team provides compassionate child care services for all your little one's needs.

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General Pediatric, Child Care Hospital in Faridabad | Medicheck Hospital

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  1. Maternity GeneralPediatrics NeonatalIntensiveCareUnit (NICU) PediatricIntensiveCareUnit (PICU) PediatricNeurology PediatricPulmonology& Allergy GeneralPediatricsHospitalIn Faridabad MedicheckHospitalisabranch of medicine thatspecializes in thecareof children, from birth through adolescence.Itfocuses on thephysical, mental,and socialhealth of infants,children,andadolescents.Pediatriciansaretheprimarymedicalcareproviders for children andaretrained tomanageawide range of health conditions thataffect children,includingbothacuteandchronicillnesses. PediatricGastroenterology PediatricENT PediatricSurgery&Pediatric Urology PediatricEndocrinology Somecommonconditionsthatapediatricianmaytreatinclude: Respiratoryinfections,suchascolds andflu Ear infections Digestive problems,suchas vomiting,diarrhea,andconstipation Skinconditions,suchaseczemaandacne Behavioral and developmental issues, such as ADHD and autism spectrum disorder Chronicconditions,suchas asthmaanddiabetes PediatricNephrology PediatricRheumatology& Immunology PediatricCardiology Inadditiontodiagnosingandtreatingmedicalconditions,Medicheckalsoprovide ContactUs preventivecare,suchaswell-childvisits,immunizations,andhealthscreenings.They alsooffer guidance on healthylifestyle habits,nutrition, andsafetytohelp children growuptobehealthyadults. (+91)80108 00100 ConsultOur TrustedPediatrics Centre,Makeanappointment.The bestofmodernhealthcareto ensureyoustayhealthy,always. ContactUs MedicheckHospital MedicheckIVF& FertilityCentre MedicheckOrtho Superspeciality Hospital HBH Colony, Sector 46, Faridabad,Haryana121010 1C/76&53,Market,1 Near,BataFlyover,New IndustrialTwp1,Faridabad, Haryana121001    NHsite,StreetNo2,Sector 46,Faridabad,Haryana 121003 MedicheckHospital UsefulLink Our Specialities Working Days Medicheck Hospitalis a50 bededfullyNABH,state-of-the- AboutUs Pediatrics Mon-Sat08:00AM-05:00PM

  2. artsuper speciality surgical centre,fully devoted to deliveringhigh-quality healthcare. Appointment Gynecology Sunday EmergencyOnly OurTreatment Maternity Callus +91-8010800100 ContactUs IVF MaleInfertility  Orthopaedics Copyright©2023MedicheckHospital.Allrightsreserved.

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