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Introduction to the data warehouse labour market and social protection

CBSS. Introduction to the data warehouse labour market and social protection. Frank Robben General Manager Crossroads Bank for Social Security E-mail: Frank.Robben@ksz.fgov.be Website: www.bcss.fgov.be Personal website: www.law.kuleuven.be/icri/frobben.

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Introduction to the data warehouse labour market and social protection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CBSS Introduction to the data warehouse labour market and social protection Frank Robben General Manager Crossroads Bank for Social Security E-mail: Frank.Robben@ksz.fgov.be Website: www.bcss.fgov.be Personal website: www.law.kuleuven.be/icri/frobben Crossroads Bank for Social Security

  2. Crossroads Bank for Social Security • parapublic institution • 6 strategic objectives • vision on E-government and on information security and privacy protection • policy support • architect and operator of IT-services (e.g. network between about 2.000 actors in the social sector, datawarehouse, …) • process re-engineering and project management • co-ordination with other sectors • communication • 185 electronic processes between actors in the social sector and 35 electronic processes between those actors on the one hand and employers and citizens on the other hand • half a billion electronic exchanges in 2005 • 75 employees

  3. Need of a datawarehouse • operational databases: inadequate tool for the purpose of statistics and scientific research • not efficient • risky • expensive • advantages of a datawarehouse • is provided with the adequate hardware and software for its objectives e.g. • calculating statistics • linking data of different sources • taking samples • encrypting data • less expensive

  4. Data sources • National Office for Social Security • National Institute for Social Security of the Self- employed • National Employment Office • National Institute for Health Insurance • National Office for Child Allowances for Workers • National Register • National Fund for Industrial Accidents • National Fund for Occupational Diseases • National Office for Old Age Pensions • Regional Employment Services (VDAB/FOREM/BGDA) • Public Service for Social Integration • Self-defined notions

  5. Contents • labour market information • wages • employer • social security contributions • labour regime (full time / part time) • unemployment • … • information about old age pensions • benefits/fees • kind of pension • starting date • …

  6. Contents • information about sickness/invalidity/incapacity for work • benefits/fees • cause : illness, industrial accident, occupational disease • starting date and (potential) final date • … • information about child allowances • personal data • birth date • gender • nationality • …

  7. Management • Crossroads Bank for Social Security • daily coordination and management • coordination between data providers and users • guaranteeing the availibility of the data • daily maintenance • handling of demands for data • permanent technical support: SmalS-MvM • permanent scientific support: Steunpunt WAV (KU Leuven) / Centre de Sociologie TEF (ULB)

  8. Management • user group • composed of • representatives of research institutions • representatives of data providers • scientific discussions and proposals • matching between available data and needs • council of data providers • important principle: data providers keep the ownership of their own data • approval of the proposals made by the user group

  9. Use of the datawarehouse • general anonymous statistics • cd-rom / website (under construction) available for the public • discussed in user group • approved by the Privacy Commission • ad hoc data demands for data • only public and scientific organisations can introduce a demand • procedure • approval of the data providers • approval of the Privacy Commission (check on respect of the purpose limitation principle and the proportionality principle) • approval of the Board of Directors of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security • examples of ad hoc data demands • tracing the social situation of persons suspended from unemployment fees • transition from labour market into retirement

  10. More info • website Crossroads Bank for Social Security www.ksz.fgov.be/nl/statistiques/stats_home.htm www.ksz.fgov.be/fr/statistiques/stats_home.htm • personal website www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/icri/frobben

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