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MICROBIAL METABOLISM. Catabolic And Anabolic Reactions. ENZYMES. Enzymes. Introduction: Catalytic Activity. Naming Enzymes: 6 Classes. Enzyme Components:Apoenzyme, Cofactor, Holoenzyme, Coenzyme.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MICROBIAL METABOLISM. Catabolic And Anabolic Reactions.

  2. ENZYMES. • Enzymes. • Introduction: Catalytic Activity. • Naming Enzymes: 6 Classes. • Enzyme Components:Apoenzyme, Cofactor, Holoenzyme, Coenzyme. • Coenzymes: Derivatives of vitamins- NAD+(Catabolic Rxns), NADP+(Anabolic Rxns),FMN, FAD(Electron carriers), COA

  3. FACTORS AFFECTING ENZYME ACTIVITY. • Temperature. • pH. • Substrate Concentration. • Competitive Inhibitors. • Non-Competitive Inhibitors. • Feedback Inhibition.

  4. ENERGY PRODUCTION. • Oxidation-Reduction Reactions. • Substrate-Level Phosphorylation. • Oxidative phosphorylation. • Photophosphorylation. • Chemiosmotic Mechanism of ATP Generation.

  5. CARBOHYDRATE CATABOLISM. • Glycolysis: Embden-Mayerhoff Pathway. • The Krebs cycle: TCA, Citric Cycle. • The Electron transport chain.

  6. THE ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN. • Oxidative Phosphorylation. • Steps of The Electron Transport Chain.

  7. GLYCOLYSIS. • Splitting of Sugar. • Oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid with the production of some ATP and energy containing NADH. • Preparotory stage. • Energy-conserving stage. • Substrate-Level Phosphorylation.

  8. ALTERNATIVES TO GLYCOLYSIS. • Pentose Phosphate Pathway: Hexose Monophosphate Shunt. • Entner-Doudoroff Pathway.

  9. THE KREBS CYCLE. • Decarboxylation. • Carbon Dioxide production. • Steps of Krebs Cycle. • End Products of Krebs Cycle. • Substrate-Level Phosphorylation.

  10. DEFINITION OF RESPIRATION • Aerobic respiration. • Anaerobic respiration: Fermentation-Lactic Acid fermentation, Alcohol fermentation.

  11. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION. • Introduction. • Fermentation. • Lactic Acid Fermentation. • Alcohol Fermentation.

  12. Catabolism of other macromolecules. • Lipid Catabolism. • Protein Catabolism.

  13. Biochemical Pathways Of Energy Use- Anabolism. • Biosynthesis of Polysaccharides. • Biosynthesis of Lipids. • Biosynthesis of Amino Acids and Proteins. • Biosynthesis of Purines and Pyrimidines.

  14. PHOTOSYNTHESIS. • The Light Reactions: Photophosphorylation. • The Dark Reactions: Calvin-Benson Cycle.

  15. Nutritional Patterns Among Organisms. • Photoautotrophs. • Photoheterotrophs. • Chemoautotrophs. • Chemoheterotrophs.

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